I agree with JP, if at 18 you can die for your country at war (getting drafted), you can Vote in elections, you are tried as an adult, smoking cigs at 18, purchase smut and enter strip clubs .
I also think they should raise the driving age to 18, too many knowitall kids driving at 15 3/4's with learners permits! So a 16 yr old kid can drive a corvette down the road and lose control and kill someone? Yeah, I know it makes it easy for some kids to get part time jobs or single moms can work and not have to drive the kids to football practice and such, but havent you been doing that the prior 16 years? Keep it simple, make 18 the age of adulthood.
Any kid that wants to drink underage can find some means to get alcohol, maybe less will drink as much when they get drunk sick and throw up their insides and dont think it as "so cool" since it didn't have the risk taking "illegal" effect. Maybe more kids wouldnt "sneak off to drink", or lie to their parents, or be afraid of getting in trouble with their parents to tell them they were drinking and they make an unwise mistake of driving home. (Thats how I was because my parents forbid me to drink, and since my friends were at the time, I thought it was "cooler" to disobey) Trust me, not good behavior on my part, but I too thought I knew it all.*** and on a personal note, I got a DUI when I was 19, at a all you can eat bullroast, I didnt drive until the end of the nite. a huge mistake and no one got hurt, except my wallet. *** my point being that I had no problem obtaining it underage.***** I messed up. I still to this date, have never told my parents about that, I paid all the attorney/court costs and such but was still too scared to tell my parents. I have thought about telling them now but it isnt really a big deal now that I am in my 30's and expecting a son.
Oh, and when my son heads off to college, that will be one of the lesser things I will be worrying about. I would be more worried about the over abuse of alcohol, ecstassy, hard drugs like Heroin and crack, orgy sex parties with AIDS , fraternity hazing and other crazy stuff that happens when they "leave off to college". Didn't a kid just die from trying to drink a crapload of water, virtually drowning himself to enter a fraternyity? Alot of it has to come from parents educating their kids about drinking.
I am not trying to steer anyone on my opinions, but the drinking underage and possible driving happens now, will happen tomorrow, and it is very unfortunate.
..... About your problem, I think your boy ratted you out and the fact that he didnt say anything to you about the situation on the phone means he led you into a trap to get some of the heat off of him; I would at least disassociate yourself from him. If he was the "man" who wanted the beer, then he should've acted like a man and not a P.A.B. You should take the advise here to shell out for an attorney. You definately dont want to take a chance on losing your license or getting restrictions for this BS. If you weren't there at the premises or conducted it, you should win the case. That is if the cops are crooked and change the story around in the courtroom on you.
What would have happened if when you left your boy there and continued on your way and he decided to rob the liquor store and got caught unbeknowst to you. Then rats you out and you come down there. Are the cops capable of arresting you on conspiracy because your boy says so? Very disturbing, but maybe there is more to the story than you are telling us.... Good luck though.