
Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Because each day another member falls off the list. First I see Lazyboy busting up his leg and now the trip south is in question for his family.
Next I see Ivan has family commitments which cannot be skipped over.
now JeffD skipping the country for business
please everybody (note to self and thekid) be safe we want to see you there :aj:


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Truly. Seems like people are dropping like flies. Lemming is out with a fractured leg also. It's bad enough that people get hurt, but missing DW because of an injury really sucks.

Be safe, everyone! (This means YOU, Dave! You too, Nik! :p )


Agreed, Dave. Last weekend was my last ride before DW. Started cleaning and making piles almost immediately after I got home last Saturday. No riding or racing, even though it is sunny, breezy and 70 degrees right now! :whiner: I just have to remember the bigger picture: All my friends at DirtWeek.

Chili, Lazyboy, Ivan, Jeffd and El Che Milton-We're going to miss you guys. But you gotta do what you gotta do.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
You guys will be missed as well.

The hardest part about missing DW is going to be how slow the board will be without all of you posting.

I do look forward to the ride reports though.

For those who are going to DW... be safe and have fun!



Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Originally posted by Julius Pleaser
You too, Nik! :p

Damnit, I just got called out. Well, Red somehow managed to keep me off my bike at our friends' track all weekend even though the track conditions were PERFECT both days... so one weekend to go. We'll be racing the D-17 State Championship at Casey this Sunday so let's hope we keep it on 2 wheels. :ugg:

We'll miss all you guys who won't be making it :(


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
As sad as it is to see people drop off the attendee list, I need these last few days or I won't have any cool old junk to bring with. I'm burning the midnight oil and it's still gonna be tough to get all my claimers shimmed up in time. I may have to bring my newest heap just to look at.

I haven't even bought a big chili pot yet.
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Roosta's Princess
Damn Yankees
Mar 28, 2003
I am delivering my bike to Scooter1130 Saturday, so I don't have any more riding time between now and Dirt Week. As sad as that is, I'm also very thankful that I can't ride...so I know I won't get hurt between now and then!

I've gotta shine up the bike, shine up the gear, and I'm ready to go! ONLY 2 WEEKS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
Just finished prepping my bike and all of my spares. The kid's bikes are next. At this point I'm not taking any chances. I'll wait to hurt myself at DW!


Mi. Trail Riders
Feb 3, 2001
With only two weeks to go....it is "bubble wrap" time.  No riding until Dirt Week.  A buddy of mine from Michigan attended the first two DWs with casts on his wrists.  He came up with "bubble wrap" time.


Aug 25, 2000
If you're riding between now and DW - Ride Safe!  :)

No more riding for me either - I am out of town until Friday and leave Sunday morning with the truck loaded up headed for DW.

I have to spend three days in Lebanon, MO for work.  Next i go to Tulsa and spend Friday and Saturday at ... you guessed it - more work.  THen it's on towards Stillwater for DW03!!  :yeehaw:

The only good thing about having to work during my trek towards Stillwater is that i do get my milage paid for (there & back).

Wendy flys out Wednesday evening since she's in school.
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Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Originally posted by Tree jumper
Poor Bruce! :(

I'm riding alot before DW as i only get hurt AT DW. :)

:think: bad juju!!

I still have one bike apart in the garage and a pile of things to add to the other. Never mind all the other stuff. The last parts for the 20x40 awning are "supposed" to be delivered tomorrow, although I will not see them until late Friday and I leave first thing Sat morning for one more "trip" before shutting everything down and concentrating on DW on Wednesday of next week!!!

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I plan on racing a little MX this Sunday, wish me luck! I'll be at our local track, hard pack blue groove. The track has been closed all week getting rebuilt and new sections added. No one is allowed on it untill Sunday morning practice but I did run out and take a peek at it today. All the jump faces are nice and peaked and the ground is all busted up just waiting for the rain we are suppossed to get in the next day or 2. I plan on running the over 30 and the B class, who cares what place I come in as long as it's a safe finish. Can't wait for DW! :yeehaw:

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Just got home from the track and finished washing the black mud off. I spent more time getting that crap off than I did on the one lap of practice I did. The biggest turnout ever and it was called due to rain. Maybe it's God's way of telling me to save it for Dirt Week. So far, so good, this was my last weekend to race before DW so it looks like I'll make it in one peice. :thumb:


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Well we are in one piece here as thekid raced his final 2 races before DW. Had 2 scares in the 1st motos. In 125 JR he went for a big triple that leads into a corner. He overjumped it and then overshot the berm. All I saw was the bike going one way and him airbourne the other. He tumbled down the backside of the berm and the bike came to rest upside down on the bars and seat. Thekid got up then just stood there as the flagger ran over to check him. Finally he flipped the bike over and finished. When I got to him in the oits he said all he could think was this is going to hurt bad and when it didn't he got up and couldn't believe the bike was sitting like that.

Then in 125B on the last lap he was in a great 3 way battle for 4th when he launched the spectator jump and flat landed it. I saw his face drive into the crossbar and could tell he was shook up but what got me was as he came off the track his left foot was dangling off the peg and he was pointing at it. He as well as I thought it was broken but after a few minutes it started feeling better and he was soon walking on it. Only damage- the footpeg punched thru the back of his boot.
Bike is now in the garage waiting to get loaded up next weekend. No more riding until the red clay off Cooperland for us


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Geeze Dave - glad Eric made it through!!

Well, we made it through the weekend and logged our last race/ride before DW too! As we were loading up saturday to head to the D17 State Championship at Casey, Red tried the last minute "let's just stay home and in 1 piece for DW... We can start packing and get stuff ready and stuff for DW... I just don't wanna chance it..." <blah, blah, blah>

But it didn't work (although scared me a little bit) so we raced yesterday and all was well. In practice, I tried a few new things (rode Casey a bunch on 125's never on my 250F) and got in real stupid shape a couple of times, all swapped out, casing jumps, etc. So I decided to not try anything new after practice. Then Red's 1st moto he jarred up his wrist really good and put the bike in the trailer for the day. After I ran my second moto and the track was perfect, Red pulled the bike out and hit his second moto too. We both made it out in one piece, got home, locked up our bikes/trailer like Fort Knox, and took all our gear and stuff outta the trailer (had our old trailer get broken into a few weeks ago).

4 days and 10 hours till blastoff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yeehaw:


Who me?
Feb 4, 2001
6 days and counting, me and my son are ready to go. The weather has been in the mid seventies through last week, let's hope it lingers for the next couple!
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