
Sep 24, 2001
This is related to motorcycles in a more abstract way. My question (and a much debated one for me) is "what is a sport?" I think that it is any physical activity where the winner is objectively chosen. What I mean is, a race (MX) is physical and the winner is the winner not because a judge liked his style the best, but he crossed the finish line first. Same thing with other sports (except boxing, which is only judged for time constraints). Things like figure skating, which is judged on arbitrary standards (judges preference) I dont think is a sport. What about you guys.


Sep 22, 2000
Sports require--

physical skills, strength, agility and endurance to name a few.

Not many people can just go out and do a triple axle or what ever it is they do.

So, IMO figure skating is a sport. :)


May 11, 2000
im not much for sports with out an gas engine except bmx snowboarding
or skiing but i know for sure it takes all of my energy in a 2 hour
hair scramble and before i started racing i thought peice of cake
i could race like that all day wrong i was
i was in the last moose series 100 mile HS and when it was over
(i made 60 miles) my whole body praticly froze when i got of the bike
(really bad the next day)
but any ways ive never thought of football basketball or baseball
to be a good sport by what they get paid they are acters on the tv
like wwf my opinion probly reay riles people but thats my opinion
not every body elses


Oct 30, 2001
Nobody is saying those activities are not difficult, they just aren't "sports". They take great athletic ability, skill, talent, etc. but in my opinion figure skating, ariel skiing, halfpipe snowboarding, etc. is not sport but art. Very difficult art but art nonetheless. When a judge has to decide what is deemed a higher quality performance, it is not sport. (but I still like many of them, except FMX)


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Seems to me a "sport" should have some quantitative properties (i.e. something measurable, for those of you in the South ;) ). Lines that need to be crossed, balls that must go through hoops, pucks that need to get past a goalie, etc. Sports measure speed (track, MX/SX, drag racing), distance (field events, endurance races), accuracy (shooting sports, archery): most all stick-and-ball sports include all these aspects, as do motorcycle racing.

Don't get me wrong, judged events take a lot of skill to master, but they rely on qualitative properties (how something looks). I'm not sure what to call them, but they ain't sports.

I'm not bagging on any of these events. I find this a very interesting topic for debate.

super rat

Ass Clown at DRN
Mar 31, 2001
To me for something to be a sport the person competing needs to have a skill and be an athlete. Figure skating yes, half pipe yes, bump skiing you know it. Golf sorry, bowling no, that thing where they slide the rock on the ice no dice, Nascar dont think so. :p


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
My thoughts are the same as XRP. Some activities require athletisizm and skill but are not sport, IMO. These activities are qualitative(having some level of quality, for you folks in the NORTH):p and the competition is subjective. Now for golf, give me full contact, 18 holes of timed golf and I'll grant it SPORT status.;)

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Re: Sports require--

Originally posted by KWJams
Not many people can just go out and do a triple axle or what ever it is they do. :)

I can do a triple axle on the KTM but I'm not proud of it.
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