Jun 16, 2000
My friend has one of two CRF's in california. I just rode it up and down the alley fifteen minutes ago.The throttle response is awesome.A blip of the throttle in second gear, while rolling, just smoked the rear tire.The bike has zero time on it so I really couldn't gas it too much.The bike is super narrow and light feeling and overall seems to be all it's expected to be.


Jul 5, 2000
I rode one today also, in a muddy, fresh cut bean field. I couldn't realy tell much but it's pretty sweet. I'm used to some engine braking on my XR's and even on my 520EXC but this thing has none, if I didn't pull in on the clutch it would die in the turns, might be it just being new and needed the idle turned up or it could be the lack of flywheel efect that I'm used to.
It belongs to a riding buddy of mine and will only be riden in the woods.
Good luck to him converting it to a woods bike.


Oct 10, 2001
My buddy just picked his up today, and it is easier to start than a Z50. It's raining so I didn't ride it, but it sounds awesome. He has rode it and says it will smoke anything on the planet.:) :)


Apr 23, 2000
I to have the pleasure

I rode BBRs' test mule Teusday for about twenty minutes. In a nut shell it is the most impressive stock bikeI have ever riden.Last year it was the 250f.The Honda in the hands of a good rider will run circles around a 250!! The engine has instant throttle response but like all 4 strokes you can relagate the amount of power.The suspention is as good as my Tom Morgan Racing Mods on my 00' CR 250. FC wheres the pics?


Apr 23, 2000

FC 22 I thuogh I saw you rippen around on that 450 ? your smile is not very descriptive Are you still at a loss for words;)


Jul 5, 2000
The CRF450r is suposed to replace the CR500 that's why. I personaly think that they should still make the CR500 and the CRF450r.

couchracer; he obviously hasn't riden what is siting in my garage:)


Apr 26, 2000

I for one, am far from "offended". I was just pointing out the folly of gratuitous assertions. I would LOVE to have a 450F for motocross. No doubt it is an awesome bike. It might be the quickest way around a motocross or supercross track, but it will not "smoke anything on the planet."

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
i "read" that the 450f has snappy throttle response, i wonder if the bk mod on the 426 works as well as described? supposedly snappy as a 2 stroke 250? i would love to have the light feel that the 450f has tho, and little or no compression braking..sa-weet, that 426 gives me comp breaking fits everytime i get it off the ground....c'mon team blue, maybe the '03 426.:think


Oct 10, 2001
KevinB, no he hasn't ridden your bike, but said he was going to today. I threw the part in about being the fastest thing on the planet. everyone knows it's my couch that is the fastest. JUST KIDDIN'!!!!!! My wife said NO to the thought of me getting one. Bummer! I'll just stick with the couch I guess.

So how are you liking the KATOOM? It seems weird to think of you on anything but RED. Good luck on it this weekend, I'm not going to make it, I haven't had a chance to get my ride ready. Later!


Aug 5, 2001
I jsut rode the 450 this afternoon and the bike is sweet. It does not have the "HIT" that the 426 has, but is just smooooth. I have an 02 CR 250 and it does not hit like that either. I can't wait to ride the bike for 20 min on the track. Also, I have an 01 426 and let me tell you, if you haven't done the BK mod you don't know what your missing! I'm so torn between the 4 bangers and the 2 smokes!


Jul 5, 2000
couchracer, he came out and rode his 450 in the rain for a while in the woods till it got dark. I did not go, so neither did the 520, I probably would have if it had been nicer. I had my doughter this evening, so I spend time with her.
I think it's going to take some getting used to but he'll figure it out.:D


Aug 5, 2001

It was all I could do to NOT write a check for the 450! Especially since one of Yamaha's Dist mgrs. was there checking it out in his Corp Yamaha shirt! (would have been a great Honda PR picture!) I didn't, because I know, that in 03 Yamaha will be right there with an equal or better bike! I will tell you that my 426 will still whup the 450! At least it feels like it. I like the hit of the 426/250. The thing I'm not sure about is if I would be faster on the 450 Honda?
I do like Honda's attention to detail, brakes etc. The clutch was so sweeeeeeeeeeet! It feels like my kids 125 and it's cable, not hydraulic!
I could push the kickstart down with my hand! There is NO compression release, but rather a hot start lever where there would be a compression release on the 426. Only time will tell.......... I know I can still turn faster laps on my 426, (instead of the 250) but am not going to get back on it untill I can rock on the 02 250. If you are younger I think the 250 would work better. You can be lazy on the 426, ie,... a gear too high or low and still be OK, whereas on the 250 you have to be on the pipe or you lose! It's obvious that the 4 bangers are the future, but the CR 250 is 30 + lbs lighter and state of the art. One things for sure, this 250 is like no other. The other mfgrs will have to step up to match the quality and performance/potential.
Regards;) :cool:

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
hey ibwfo, w/ the bk mod, what pipe are you running, i've "read" that the dr d pipe is the best out there now. i'll be doing the yz timing,bk mod,yz jetting, a new pipe and stripping of the wr stuff to race next season. i was wondering if you or anyone else here has any time on a yz w/ a "D" pipe? btw, i sat on an '02 yz 426 the other day, made me feel like a "pig rider" on my '01 wr 426, maybe it's just perception, but depending on how i do next year in mx(my first racing ever) i'll be looking for team blue to do good things to the '03 yz426.:D


Jun 26, 2001
i saw the 450f at a track last night. the thing seems pretty sweet. it is amazingly quiet in stock form, at least compared to some of the blue bikes.


Aug 5, 2001
I have the Yoshimura Titanium pipe and header. I really like the pipe, fit and finish. Jetting was easy too. I wouldn't get the 02 YZF unless you just need a new bike, cuz Yamaha won't sit around and let the CRF out do them. As far as the Dr. D pipe I have heard that the one they make for the 250 is the best, but not the 426. I talked with Ferry and his mechanic in Millville and they both said it (Yoshimura) was the best pipe we could get. Ferry said it was the pipe he runs on his bikes he has at home. Yoshimura makes the DSP pipe by the way.


Dec 13, 2000
So the Hunt for Red in October begins!! I just couldnt resist, looks like Ill eat my words, the Honda sounds like a great bike, the sad part is that I heard there wont be an off-road version.


Aug 5, 2001
Where did you hear that there would not be an off-road/enduro version?? In a post a while back, a Japanese guy said he saw a prototype in Europe. Basically the same thing with head/tail lights. Rich, the moderator, backed him up saying that he is usually on the spot when it comes to early sightings etc... I hope you are wrong. I would love to see an "XR" version, maybe with a wide ratio tranny etc. Is your info rumor, like mine, or do you have a trusty resource?


Nov 7, 2000
I heard about the enduro version but it was not a Honda creation - all the mods were done by some shop. The only other version I've heard of is a one off built for a flat track racer.

Honda SWEARS they are not going to do an XR version. They liken it to coming out with a 2 Stroke XR. It would seem that they would have to update the XR400 sometime, but after seeing the other 2003 junk they're building, I 'll be sort of glad if they leave it alone.


Dec 13, 2000
I believe it was either Cycle News or Dirt Rider, they quoted a Scott Summers, he might race a 450 in some GNCC races but Honda is not going to make a off-road version. They said that Honda considers this bike a closed coarse race bike. To bad if true, competion is a good thing for new bike tech.


Jul 21, 1999
Yea Teton,

The new DirtRider says no off-road version.

I know the "Don't believe everything you read" thing. Guess we'll see.

They did say the CR250F is in the test phase.

Thought Scott Summers retired this year? :(

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