Mike R.

May 1, 2004
Ok, so the factory Plug is a Racing plug for the 04 KX125 and the cheapest I can get it is $24.
But, I have talked to Kawasaki and have 2 e-mails from them stating the BR9EIX is fine and I can get it for about $6. and btw my Kawasaki dealer recommended it also and sells only that plug to new KX125 owners.
So, here comes the kicker if the BR9EIX Iridium is basically the same plug as the BR9EG non Iridium which I can get for $3.68 which then crosses over to a Autolite 4602 which I can get for $1.33
Seems they surely could make those racing plugs a tad cheaper the only thing I see special about them is the Non L Shaped Electrode strap which is supposedy welded on by hand.
Bah, comeon NGK you gotta have a better reason for such inflated prices then just that.
Who knows what the reason is but you can bet I wont be packing no $26 :yikes: plugs for back-ups


Jan 9, 2000
IMO putting in a EIX is like playing with fire, Kwak knew when the specced a $26 plug the owners wouldnt be happy, however nor are the owners of the 03 that blew due to the plugs.

If your going to use a cheap plug-replace it often and make sure your not jetted to the point of detonation as those plugs will not stand for it.Also dont run cheap fuel as the KX has high compression and it will detonate.

I still have the original plug in my 04 RM 125 and will replace it once this year for the same type.

Mike R.

May 1, 2004

Ok, so you will replace it once this year.
Where can I find that crystal ball your using :nener:
Be careful you might jinx yourself. Hehe


Oct 3, 2002
Far be it from me to claim to be a spark plug eggspert. But....

If I've gathered info correctly the expen$ive plug is that way only because the electrode is prone to come detached due to excess vibrations. Is this right?

There's an old hot rodder's trick of cutting down electrodes and gapping them at the side to expose the spark to the combustion chamber. By doing this, might one be lead to believe that the smaller electrode would be less prone to vibration caused detachment because it's weight and length are less?

Just an idea from the peanut gallery. :clue:

Mike R.

May 1, 2004
Yeah I have heard that

Wonder how well it might work.
I am wondering though whether NGK had some quality control issues on the EIX's or something.
Oddly enough I havent heard anyone say the EG's.
I happen to have a new 4062 from my old 03 YZ125 and it crosses to a BR9EG I threw it in rather then make a run to the shpo and it worked ok and after pulling it looked fine.
I reckon one could hope NGK or another maker Autolite Denso, Champion, Splitfire etc will start making a enexspensive equivalent to the B6918B-9.

Mike R.

May 1, 2004
Yeah the Denso

IW-27 or somethingl ike that.
I said inexspensive not more then the B6918B-9 :bang:
HeHe ya I was aware of that one from looking at Club Plug

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