
Mar 28, 2004
I never could get this guy to get in touch with me, so I paged him on the small local message board that he placed the original ad on. Interestingly enough, he says that he knew the ad had the wrong year, but just never got around to correcting the
I am not sure if I am more pissed because I wasn't smart enough to check the vin, or that another rider would actually do something like this?..........................:(


May 4, 2004
Hope it all worked out ok.


Mar 28, 2004
The bike was sold out of Mississippi, so there is no issue with that.
I finally got a hold of the guy and he is claiming the ad was a typo. I asked him why he didn'y edit the typo and then he started telling one bullchit story after another. I blasted him all over our local racing site so he wouldn't be able to do it to anyone else. I will file a civil suit on him in the very near future.


Mar 28, 2004
I'm just glad the bike was not stolen. The issues at work with my clearance would have been a big pain.I still dont understand this NCIC 'hit" thing very well, but I guess it works like it is supposed to. I struggled with whether to go public on that site, but I thought that if I said nothing and it happened to somebody else, I would own a piece of that as well. I'm sure some people will think I was in the wrong for having him called out, but I did what I needed to do.
I wish you and the rest of the folks could have been there when I bought this bike. This guy brings his wife and very small child with him. He gets out of his vehicle bent over and barely able to walk. He tells me how much he appreciates me buying it so quickly, so he can get the medical attention he needs. I'm not sure if I am more irritated with him for misleading me, or with me for being so gullible.

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Showtime; Sure enough, you got the short end of the stick.

But don't think it is uncommon! I spent several years buying and selling used bikes and quads. Literally thousands of them.

Made some good money, but damn!, it is a tough business.

Fraud and deception is rampant! Not the exception, but the rule! I am in Louisiana, and I found out very quickly do not under any circumstances buy anything out of New Orleans. Every time I went down there the product was mis-represented. (Sorry all you honest New Orlineans!)

"Mint" means that they might have washed it last week.

"Like New" means that they did indeed like it when it was new, but now it is a rusty bucket of bolts.

"Never Raced" means it was owned by a dope-head that only rode it in the Spillway. (Louisiana natives will know what I mean by this one :eek: )

Point is, and I hope to get the message out; WATCH YOUR BUTT!!

On the other hand, there were a few instances that stand out. A casual aquantaince of mine offered to sell me an '89 KX125 that he had ridden a couple of times and then placed in his barn. This was '91 or so.

I asked him how much. He was asking $900.00. This was a young guy that had just gotten married, had a baby on the way, and need a few $$ much more than he needed a dirt bike. I told him I wouldn't give him $900 for the machine. I gave him $1100.

Still, I felt I was stealing the bike. I wound up keeping it for many years, and only recently sold it. Still made money. And made a freind for life.


Dec 29, 1999
and isn't condition more important ? I would rather have a new 01 than a beat 03, anyway. Not that I have any opinion on this, seems like the guy selling screwed up on the year , buit if someone is going to be buying and selling things for a profit it is not a good idea to "have absolutely no idea how to read a 17 digit VIN". Why doesn't the guy just give the money back and take the bike back- and re-sell it as an '01. It is probably still worth what he asked for it if it doesn't need $1,000 of repairs - or did the '02 change so much that the '01 is worthless ?

Also if dealers still have '02's on the floor ......


Dec 29, 1999
But I guess the seller should make thing right if he told you it was an '02 and it turns out not to be one .


Mar 28, 2004
Scott, I wasn't going into the bike reselling business. This was just an instance that I thought might be beneficial to us both. Yes, I should have known how to read a VIN, but I can't go back and do it over. Sometimes, a bikes manufactured year makes more difference to an mxer than does cosmetic appearance. I think the "year" issue might not be as prevelant with the woods/trails guys.


Dec 29, 1999
Believe me, I have made my share of bad deals- I hope it works out for you-
yeah us trail guys usually get a new bike every 8 years or so . At least in my case. And then we don't even get new ones, just "not so old" ones.


Jun 9, 2004
The issue isn't if a year newer is worth more or not, it's a simple case of fraud by the seller. He misrepresented the model year of the machine and that's a crime. He sold the man a false bill of goods, knowingly, and deserves to be nailed to the wall for it.


Dec 29, 1999
I agree with you, I don't see why he doesn't just give the $ back and resell the bike to someone who will be happy with it.

I was just pointing out that a clean 01 could easily be as good a deal as a beat 02. But, the buyer should be able to rely on the information he was given.

If it was a mistake, the seller should make it right

If he did it on purpose, i gues he picked the wrong guy to do it to.


Mar 28, 2004
Yup, but I now have issues with a few of his buds on a personal level. Now, two issues to deal with. One legal, the other one "personal". I am really too old to be wrestling with a couple of twenty year olds, but my trusty Louisville slugger should give me a little added support.....:)


Jun 9, 2004
Being over 18, I think the District Attorney would have a much larger impact on them. Not to mention saving you a potential meeting with that individual.

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
showtime586 said:
Yup, but I now have issues with a few of his buds on a personal level. )

I don't know what you were thinking! You let the wrong guy rip you off!!

Try to pick 'em better next time! ;)


Mar 28, 2004
Jon K. said:
I don't know what you were thinking! You let the wrong guy rip you off!!

Try to pick 'em better next time! ;)

I'm not sure that I follow your "wrong guy" comment. I wasn't aware there was a "right" guy to be ripped off by. I will admit that I was not thinking.

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
No offense Showtime. Supposed to be a bit of levity.

You know . . . . . get ripped off by a better class of hoodlum . . . . ha ha ha!

Perhaps my humor is in poor taste.


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