ice riding


Mar 21, 2002
Not sure where to put this but...

I would like to try some ice riding and am looking for some ideas on what to do with the tires. I was thinking of screwing some hex head sheet metal screws into the tire lugs but anything with enough threads to bite, end up going all the way thru the tire. If I puncture the tire and put some sealer on the screws do you think it would hold air?

Don't laugh, but this is for an XR50 so the tire lugs are quite small.

Thanks and Merry Christmas!


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Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Don't mess with sheetmetal screws. Buy some Kold Kutters. They are more expensive, but will last longer, provide greater traction and will stay in the tire. An XR50 can probably get by with 1/2" screws without running a liner. It doesn't produce enough power to rip out the screws. You'll probably want to use a couple strips of duct tape inside the tire.


Sep 18, 2001
If your screws go through to the inside of the tir, use a piece of kitchen carpet about 3 inches wide to keep the tube from puncturing.


Damn Yankees
Feb 18, 2002
Originally posted by bro

Don't laugh, but this is for an XR50 so the tire lugs are quite small.


A XR50 on the ice!?&nbsp; That sounds like a lot of fun.&nbsp; Let us know how it turns out!

Gary B.

Apr 17, 2000
Some local kids here already went through the ice on an RM80. Of course it made the 10:00 news. Best quote "We were riding and by the time we saw the geese it was too late!". Spoken like true dirtbikers. :thumb:
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