I'm back in the DIRT


Jan 4, 2006
My bike was down for a whole month, cylinder off for a re-coat on the other side of the country. took off work yesterday and rode by my lonesome for 6 hours. It felt great. Unfortunatly it's raining today and tomorrow. Dammit. Seems like the weather and the dirt were perfect for the last month. My best friend and neighbor down the block had built a sweet little track in the back forty, a couple step-ups, one killer double, I watched for a month, 5 or 10 riders from around here were over every weekend tearing it up, all I could do is watch. Earlier this week his landlord comes by and sees the jumps, says it's a liabilty and that he has to tear em' down. Dammit. So my bro fires up the tractor and down they go. I MISSED IT!. oh well, life goes on. At least my bike is ready for another season. happy trails, all...... :bang:
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