
Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
What would you be doing three days before a trip of a lifetime?
At a guess, packing, making sure you've got everything? Right?

Well, I've been living on nerves for the past so many weeks (not just the trip, but that's been a large part of it), that I decided I wanted to ride this weekend.

We could do a number of things, but I wanted to check how wrecked the tracks were after last weekend (our first event for the year). I just couldn't go with a clear conscience without seeing them for myself - I'll be not much (none) help for the next event, due to races Henk wants to do.

Due to other forest commitments, we couldn't go Sat or Sun, so Monday had to do (long weekend).

After riding a track numerous times (I was on my own), I decided to try a downhill I didn't overly like. I made it down the first time (without realising the guys were behind me), and decided I wasn't happy with that attempt, so tried again. Second attempt, I made it down again, but at the bottom, did something stupid (don't ask what, I don't know) and crashed the bike. This meant I got the shifter going into my shin (it bloody hurt, I was beginning to wonder if it was broken), and as I started to ride, worked out I had the grand total of first & neutral. I pulled over at a point I could lean the bike against a post, found something to hammer the shifter out with & carried on. I decided third time lucky, so went back round for the downhill again. This time, I managed to get jammed under the bike, with the brake lever in my boot (other leg). I managed to move the bike round so I could get out from under it, got the bike back down & decided to head back to camp.

Ummm, where does this trail take me? I dunno, guess I'll have to work it out. I carried on riding, just taking me wherever my nose took me (not lost, just not quite sure where the trails started & ended), decided my shin was a bit too sore & it really was time to head back to camp.

I got back to find no one there, so thought I'd take my boot off & see what damage I had inflicted upon myself. I grabbed some ice, but that hurt more than the shin, so just hobbled about until the others turned up.

We had lunch and I decided I had to see if it hurt too much to ride (we'd missed getting some arrows in last week, so good excuse). After grabbing the last of the arrows, I decided another round was the go. I spotted a couple of the guys, waved at them & carried on. When I got back round, I had to see whether the guys were still there or not (and what they were up to), so went back round again. Heading out, I spotted Henk & friend coming back, but decided to go anyway. I just did a half loop & by the time I got back, worked out it was beer o'clock - the others carried on riding for a bit longer.

I felt happy with my riding, but with the downhill, worked out it wasn't as important to me as being in one piece for my trip. It'll still be there when I get back, whereas if I injured myself seriously, it could stuff everything up. My broken bones will just have to wait (it felt like it was becoming inevitable with what I was doing lol).

I'll just have time to clean & dry my riding gear, pack, get my hair cut short (again) and bludge off all you wonderful people. I'm totally looking forward to riding with you all, just don't expect great things from me (you'll be disappointed). I guess my nerves have settled a bit, but I'm still way nervous & can't honestly believe this is happening.
See you all soon :)


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Sounds like a perfectly fine way to get ready for a trip to me. Race weekends I usually pack as the truck is warming up to leave. If I forgot it I didn't need it

I wish I lived further west so I could get the opportunity to finally meet you in person- guess it will have to wait until you nad Henk come to dirtweek.


Aug 13, 1999
Glad your in one piece Michelle! Like Oldguy said, if you forget something you don't need it. If it's something you really do need, you can borrow it or buy it here.

Relax, pack the gear first so you make sure you have all of that then pack whatever else you need and you'll be fine.

Can't wait till you get over here, Karl & I cleared out more of the good trails on Mica that needed some attention so we can do a good loop from home one day.

We cleared out the logs & brush from a trail we drug Firecracker through without bark busters last time (Firecracker, remember the trail that wound along the very edge of an overgrown logging road with the big bushes that were smacking the bars & the log that we had to drop down the bank to get around and THEN the creek with the tree we had to slide the bikes under followed by the log that we had to drag the bikes over - all cleared out now except some of the bushes at the beginning, we ran out of chainsaw gas.)

BTW, check your email Michelle, need you to pick which flight from Spokane to San Fran you prefer so I can get the tickets. Also looks like you can hitch a ride from school to Seattle and get a Seattle tour with bailey34's family so all we need to figure out is when & how do you want to get from Seattle to Spokane?

Check your email, I sent you some schedules to pick from.



Feb 6, 2000

Have a good trip and remember this:

1) Being "up over" rather than down under, the hills in the US are the other way around to ours
2) If you fall off, you'll fall off clockwise instead of anti-clockwise
3) Their motorcycles are left hand drive
4) Objects in their mirrors are closer than they appear.

Bon Voyage!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Thanks Grant :) I guess that means I'll be okay with downhills but struggle with uphills hehehe

I tell you one thing this has made me decide on - I'm going to do some races this year when I get back. I have the same feeling in my gut as I do when I'm deciding whether or not to start at the same time as racers or wait till they've all buggered off (which I always do), but as I can't think of anyway to get out of this, there's no way a race start is going to be as hard. I thought my nerves might get a bit better, but I'm just getting more & more nervous. Believe me, you gals scare me. Henk's even keeping out of my way lol.

This is the end of my communication till I reach the other side (sorry, I do not like that four letter word starting with L and ending with T, it's too final & the cause of many a broken bone when said at the end of the day trailriding hehehe).
C you real soon :)
Phone numbers are with me, will phone as soon as I can.

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