Find the best/fastest pro on the track and watch him while he practices. Or just go talk to him, and see if he'll help you on jumping doubles. Just remember, just because some little kid on a 80 is doing it, doesn't really mean it's all that easy :laugh: Your 23, they are 8-15, they are thinking about Transformers or whatever toy it is, they play with, ya know!
A few years back during a race, I thought this small 30-40ft double was no biggie. Well, the jump before the double, blew out my rear shock (of course I didn't know). So when I hit that double my back end goes flying skyhigh, and pile drives my front wheel into the backside of the double :aj: . Luckily all I ended up with was a broken back. And I do mean luckily, because when I came to a stop I couldn't feel my legs for about 30seconds, and the break was clean and I was back to work in 6 weeks.
But anyway, my point is. There is no perfect way, only your way. The way that is going to make you feel the safest. Take in everyones ideas and go from there. I say, stay in a high gear where your motor is mid throttle (mabey less), always look pass the end of the double on the first attempt. Never look at it :) .
I quit racing MX for about 2 years after that crash. Then I bought this bike, gave up the woods, and the the very first attempt at a double in 2 years faceplanted me into the ground :aj: It then took me 4 months to try a double. I'd hit everything else thrown at me, but not a double.
So yeah, I feel your pain. We've all been there. But I say, find your local fast guy, or track owner, tell them your problem. And I would bet you $20, they will help you out. Let us know how it goes :thumb: