Injury, need some advise


May 8, 2004
Well, three weeks and three Doctors and a hell of a lot of pain later I finally was told I have a torn rotator cuff. I will have surgery next week to fix the damage. I just need some advise from some folks I know and have rode with....The Doc or "Quack", told me I wouldn't be able to ride again because of this type of injury even after I heal up. Said I would stand a good chance of tearing it again.
So has anyone been through this type of injury??? If so plz help with some much needed info. This is the third Doc, and all have said the same thing. I was told 3 to 6 months to heal.
I am not about to give up riding, but I sure as hell don't want to go through this again. Has anyone been down this road before??? I sure could use some good news from anyone who has actually had this type of injury. Thanks for any advise you could provide.....Lee

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
I worked with a non-riding guy that tore his on a riding lawnmower when it rolled over on him. From his description it's not a pleasnt injury. After he had surgery he went through extensive rehab but several months later he said he was "good as new" or even better. He's a late 50's aged guy and pretty active.


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
I had shoulder surgery on my Rt shoulder in 1998. Not Rotator cuff, it was distal clavosectomy and acromioplasty. Baisically they had to detatch my delt, cut off part of my colar bone and part of my shoulder blade to make more room and reattach my delt. Honest to God worst pain I have ever expereinced in my life. I've had knee surgueries to both knees at the same time (ACL, LCL. PCL, Meniscus) and it was a cake walk by comparision. I asked my knee doc why that was and he said shoulder surguries are so painfull because of all of the nerves extending out from your head. Any way, I was down for 6 months with extensive rehab. Hurt for a year. Never got to 100% and if I try to throw a baseball... forget it. I think my proceedure was more invasive than a cuff repair but I am not sure. The only thing I am sure of it they aint cutting on my left shoulder unless it turns green and starts to smell like a monsoon.

DW02 I tore my left rotator cuff. Had the MRI to confirm. Doc wanted to do surgery to fix it. opted to let it be. No way was I going through that again. Good luck with what ever you decide.


Jan 30, 2000
Shoulder surgery is bad stuff but you should be back on a bike in about 6-9 month. Do all the physical therapy you can - pay for it yourself if you have to.


May 8, 2004
Thanks for the info folks, I agree about the pain though.... I should be back in action by September. I am using it now some and it's getting better.
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