Installing Tank Stickers?


Feb 18, 2002
Hi all,

Does anyone have any idea's on installing tank sticks and how to get them aligned etc? I got this off

Graphics Install - When installing new graphics, mix a solution of water and liquid dish soap in a spray bottle. Spray the surface where the graphics are to be applied and the back (sticky side) of the graphics. Apply the graphics and squeegee them from the center out to remove air bubbles and water. The soapy water solution allows pre-alignment of the graphics

Does this actually work? Does the soap make the stickers come off afterwards etc?

Thanks in advance :)


yam 3

May 19, 2000
I have used this procedure with just plain water, and it works just fine. I have also done it w/o water. Either process does fine.


May 6, 2001
Windex works fine. I wouldn't use as much as they are describing. Just a light spray on the plastic, then use a hair dryer to heat up the graphics so that it will adhere to curvatures in the surface without wrinkles. Just don't get the graphic too hot. It seems to deteriorate the glue.


Dec 19, 2001
Some soap diluted in warm water+hair dryer to heat up the graphics...Works perfect for me.
Do not go too hot as hoosierf recommendation.


Oct 29, 2001
I just installed graphics about 2 weeks ago this is what i did.

#1 Make sure you are working with clean hands. Dont want and dirt or anything getting on the adhesive

#2 Buy Windex, i do believe soap and water works to but i used windex.

#3 Wipe the surface off that you are going to be installing the graphics onto.

#4 Peel the backing away from the graphics and place the graphics on something that you can rest them on. Do not put the sticky side down on the object that you are going to rest them on. (Common Sense There) but anyways spray the windex on the sticky side of the graphics and the surface you are going to apply the graphics too.

#5 Place the graphics on the bike and work out the windex, i used a wash clothes and worked fine. It is very wet in the beggining and will probably just start to slide right off, dont worry about it, as soon as you start working out the windex it should start to stick little by little.

thats the way i did it and they came out fine.

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