Instant shades


Jun 26, 2001
Hey, I'm looking to buy one of those pop up type instant shade shelter things. Asking advice from fellow MTRs on which ones they thought were good units and, maybe more important, which ones I may want to stay away from. Thanks in advance.


Oct 28, 1999

Whatever kind you get, just make sure you anchor it to the ground. You don't want it to end up on someone's roof :nod:


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
I've had a 10x10 Caravan Canopy for the past 5 years. Paid $200 at Costco.... it came with 500 denier material, steel frame, sidewalls, and roller bag for storage. I've been very happy with the quality, construction, and value.

It looks like Costco now carries an aluminum-framed version, with slightly beefier canvas material.... Same price too.

I'd stay away from the EZ-Up brand. The models targeted for the Joe Consumer market are overpriced and are of lower quality / construction than comparably priced models from Caravan.

I also have an 8x12 aluminum framed EZ-Up canopy that I got for a steal. I like the 8x12 size better than the 10x10.... seems to work better for sheltering 3+ dirt bikes.


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
Creeper9 said:
Whatever kind you get, just make sure you anchor it to the ground. You don't want it to end up on someone's roof :nod:
YES! I used to secure the canopy by hooking it to a 5 gallon can, but strong winds can still carry it away. I now use 2 screw anchors to secure it.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2002
We have a 10x10 (maybe 8x8?, you saw it by our RV this weekend). It's an EZ-UP brand unit, steel frame. Came with full sizes, awning, carry bag and stuff. Got it from Sam's Club. Seems like it as $180. Very happy with it for several years now.
It's the two-person model (can setup/down with one person) that makes setting it up about 30 seconds total time.


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 13, 2003
Well I like my EZup Dome2 cause it is relatively light and small when folded. I got it for around $70. No it is not super HD, but is fine for what I need. I had a bigger stronger one before and did not like the size and weight.

Fred T

Mi. Trail Riders
Mar 23, 2001
bbarel said:
Well I like my EZup Dome2 cause it is relatively light and small when folded. I got it for around $70. No it is not super HD, but is fine for what I need. I had a bigger stronger one before and did not like the size and weight.

Just amke sure the top is pointed in the very center so water runs off or you will have big pockets of water suspened when it rains


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 3, 2004
REI= :|

I'll spend more somewhere else before those turds get $0.01 of my money


Sep 1, 2003
Kurt - It took off from the deck and against the roof. It should have been anchored to the double chair swing.

Young Ted


Mi. Trail Riders
Oct 28, 2001
INCA said:
Kurt - It took off from the deck and against the roof. It should have been anchored to the double chair swing.
... Then we'd have a canopy and a double chair to get down from the roof... :whoa:


Sep 1, 2003
E-Z UP may be true, but you need a ladder to get it down, right?


Mar 27, 2005
EZ-up makes many different models/strengths of canopys; (maybe 4 to 6.) Their strongest costs over $700.00, (for a 10' x 10'.) Ultimately, you get what you pay for, with any brand. Compare the weights; that will give you some indication of the strength. (it takes more aluminum to equal the strength of steel.)

I have a $70.00 one that isn't worth using, but I have set up the $80.00 Wal-Mart one; it was not too bad. My Sam's Club $199.99 EZ-up is my preferred model, currently.

I hope everyone will pay attention to my next comment, please!
When setting up your sun shade, either secure it to the ground or to a vehicle, PLEASE! Imagine how it would feel to be hit in the head by anything else you might use, fuel can, et. all! The lift created by micro-burst winds on a canopy are in the HUNDREDS OF POUNDS!!(Anybody ever looked at how a 'maul' that the knights in armor used worked?)

Please consider the your own safety, as well as those of your pit neighbors!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Once while my brother-in-law and I were working for the Boilermakers he was hanging sheet metal skin on the exterior.. A little gust came up and latched onto a 12 x 14 ft sheet of skin and it cut his face open and almost nocked another guy in the hole (300').. Dangerous stuff that wind can be...
Neal,, another suggeston that works great for me is just forget about the ez-up and get creative... If its raining and you wanna get out of the weather just look around the area and find someone with an ez-up setup or an open garage or even a house - perferably one that has good food cooking type smells coming out of the windows.. If your riding in an area that lots of other folks are riding you can almost always find an EZ-Up already set up and,, as murphies law always applies,, they will more then likely be on the otherside of the loop when the shade or weather protection is most likely needed... Murphies law dictates that you therefore have a farrrrrrr better chance of actually having an EZ-up to use if you DONT buy one but depend on ol Murph to provide when needed....
Now a short story,, crazy as it sounds its verifiable and God's honest truth..
Camping up by Elk Country a couple years ago,, buddy Larry was snoring so loud I couldnt sleep under the trailer where I normally sleep.. Walked in my sleep toward other campers in the area looking for open coolers and maybe a tent that was currently not occupied.. Had been notified that another person was inside nearest house on couch. Didnt walk 50 feet and BINGO - there was an abandoned EZ-Up, I even went back to my car and got my foldable cot out!!!! Thought about rolling the owners bikes out from under the EZ-Up and making room for Larry but was too tired.. Why complicate life...
I tell you that story as a perfect example of how you can depend on Murph!!
And on another note of pure creativity,, if you ever get in a real bind where no one leaves an EZ-up up, or the wind has blown them all down, you can always quietly slip under the nearest trailer for the night... Of course,,, use caution when doing so - knowing whether its a husband and wife camping together is a good idea as well as having an idea of whether or not the occupants are pulling out before 11 a.m. (standard Midwest wakeup time),, you don't want to wake up being dragged down a gravel road in a sleeping bag that is hooked to the black water shut-off valve under a 28 footer - take if from me, THAT will ruin a perfectly good riding trip!!
Nuff said, later..


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 13, 2003
You guys ain't kidding. My original 10x10 ezup got waxed at Roselawn a few years ago cause I forgot to stake it. Top ripped, poles bent would cost as much to fix as a new one. No fault of the ezup. Purely operator error. :bang:


May 28, 2004
True story!

Woodsy snoozing!


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