Is the CRF450 the best bike for me?


Mod Ban
May 6, 2002
Hey Guys,
I’ve been doing some thinking about the new CRF450. It looks like a great bike but is very expensive and before I shell out ~$6000 for a new dirtbike, I want to be absolutely sure it is right for me. This will be pretty long because I want it to be as complete as possible. I am 15 years old, almost 16. I am 5’ 8" tall and weigh 190 lb. I have sat on a CRF 450 and do fell like it fits me well. I currently ride a KX125 which is heavily modified for extra power and is very fast for a 125. I have about 3 years of riding experience. I feel as though I am ready for a 250 but I don’t think that 2-Stroke power is the best choice (sans the KDX series) for my riding style and area. My riding style is this: I do not keep the bike on the pipe very well and favor stability and smooth power over an unstable bike and pipey powerbands. I can control the size of my KX without a problem so I am not worried about the size of the CRF. My riding area consists of about 30% sand, 40% trails and 30% MX Tracks. I spend about 50% in sand, 30% riding the trails and 20% on the MX tracks. I do a bit of jumping so I need a bike which will handle it well. The sand at my riding area is pretty deep but does not require the use of a paddle tire. The trails are mostly hard pack with a bit of mud and the tracks are intermediate to soft terrain. As for mechanics and maintenance I am mechanically inclined and can do top ends on a 4 stroke along with most other things. So my question is this, do you think the CRF is the right bike for me? If there is anything you would like to know just ask. Thanks for the help,


Jul 8, 2002
You need to go with your own feelings, you can only tell yourself if a bike is right for you. Joe Shmo may think the crf is the best bike in the world, and he'll tell you to get it. But then john doe might think that that bike sucks, and he'll tell you to get a kx 250. You need to find someone with that bike and test ride it. While your doing that ask yourself these questions. 1. how does the bike handle? 2. is it comfortable? 3. how does the engine run, does it have the right powerband? Cause you can come to these forums and youll just get the same answers.


Mod Ban
May 6, 2002
I understand that and you are correct but I would like help and others opinions. I mean if no one can give opinions than there is no point to this forum. I tried to be as complete as possible, so I though I would have more replies. Is there something I forgot?


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 16, 2002
Hi Mike:

Thank you for being so complete in the detail of your question. You are correct in your appeal to us readers about your request for info!! I hope this helps in your quest...
Unlike your 3 years of experience I have 34 years on two wheels - most of the time on some sort of dirtbike. Back in the early days of modern dirtbike technology I purchased and raced (got the trophies to prove it) the first 250 Elsinore in the state of Michigan. I had been riding 4 strokers for many years before that and believe me when I say that my first CR was a dream come true!! 5 gear wheelies, ANY TIME ANY WHERE I needed the front end up it was there!! I DOMINATED the local courses on "Elsie" and brought home many open class harescramble and mx trophies with her!! I spent hours on that bike cow trailing, riding wheelies, riding with my friends, riding alone, just riding because I LOVE to ride and LOVED to ride that new high tech 2 stroke!!
I thought I would never live to see the day that I would even consider going back to 4 strokes. Well I am here to tell you that the day has come!!
I do not own a CRF (I am currently riding a WR250F) but have access to one and have spent MANY hours on it. They are unbelievable bikes!! The smoothest awesome horsepower that you can imagine! There is no "pipeyness" just horsepower from top to bottum. If you have been riding successfully (I mean fast without broken bones) a high strung KX125 and are tired of using your tranny for a throttle the CRF is THE ANSWER!! IMO, you are at a time in history that is VERY special just like back at my time of owning Elsie!! Neither I nor anyone else can make the decision for you but I can say this - I have NEVER regretted spending my hard earned $ to own that bike at that point in time and by the sounds of things you wouldnt either!!
Here are some tips just for you assuming you end up with one:
1: Check the seal on the air box connector and make sure it is not leaking (sucking dirt). Old problem but still out there!!
2: If you ride LONG distance check the oil frequently - the CRF's have a very small amount of oil in both tranny and crankcase and as in the case of ALL 4 strokes they "breathe" oil out!
3. Buy a different front tire - the stock front tire washes way to easy.
4. Take your time learning to jump - I found the CRF's to be front heavy and having a feel of their own in the air!!
5. Stay with the stock pipe - my neighbor has spent big $$$$ for nothing - those R&D guys at Honda got it down!!
6. Check with Chicago Cycle about prices - I think they are running a special of $5200 right now!! If you cant find their number e-mail me and I will get it for you ([email protected])


Mod Ban
May 6, 2002
WOODSY, thanks a ton for your complete reply! I think I will go for it this winter after I sell my KX. Thanks for your help!

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