ISDE T-shirts for sale

Todd Turner

Dec 24, 2000
I got my shirt in the mail. Great looking and a quality shirt, too! This isn't some cheap shirt with an iron-on. Its a heavy T-shirt and has a really quality design. Not only is it a great bargain but the proceeds go to a great cause. Come on guys, you owe yourself a new t-shirt. Order yours now!



A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Look for the Irishmail! I hope you got my e-mail about it. I sent a little more to help you out ;)


Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
I just got mine in the mail today, Bitchin ( do they still say that ?? )shirt, if you havn't ordered one, you are missing out.

Good luck Woodsguy, I'm wearing it w/ pride


Sponsoring Member
Mar 20, 2000
Well it wont be long now!

I head out from Memphis on the 17th headed for NYC. Where we will leave that day and fly 8 hours to Prague.

I got my offical Team USA Jacket as well as all my other AMA official tour stuff and plane ticket. We however have to wait to get our helmets over there as they are being shipped directly. We were instructed to bring our normal helmet with us just in case.

The route for the six days appears to inlcude three 168 mile days and two 142 mile days plus the final day which is not very far because of the final motocross. Its shapes up like this.
Day 1 168
Day 2 168
Day 3 142
Day 4 168
Day 5 142
Day 6 58 plus the final moto

Mark my words I may be hurting, my hands may be blistered, and I may have a case of monkey butt like you would not imagine but I will be there for that final motocross!!!!

I really appreciate everone who has ordered shirts and helped with moral support. It means alot.



Ready to bang some trees!
Jan 4, 2000
Carrol, just curious what kind of training/conditioning have you been doing to get ready? I can't imagine riding 150+ a day! Truely a new meaning to Monkey butt!


Sponsoring Member
Mar 20, 2000
I have to be honest. I have not trained as much as I should have. I jog about four miles a couple of times a week and hit the weights. I have been riding alot. I have put in quite a few laps on a MX track and much to my riding buddies dislike we always hit the toughest knarliest trails when we ride.

Much like everyone else I am forced to work for a living. My wife and I started our own business two years ago and it seems like I work costantly. Back in March I made up my mind to kick it up a notch and whenever or however I was going to get on a consistent excercise program. I excercised some but not on a regular basis before. Well Since March I have dropped 25 pounds. My recovery rate seems to be pretty good and where most guys I ride with need to stop and take a break I have not even broken a sweat.

In Ohio we rode 120 miles a day. To me it was a cake walk. No soreness and I was not even a little bit fatigued at the end of the day. It was like a big trail ride.

Now I know the ISDE is going to be much tougher. Steve Vanzant a local fast guy here in Arkansas who is in his fourties went a couple of years ago and finished with a silver medal. He told a group of us that people often time think man 150 miles a day for Six Days is impossible. He said that the day he most wants to go riding is Mondays the day after he gets to ride or race. He said for him the ISDE was like this. You get in the groove where you want to get up the next day and go ride again. Do things better than the day before.

As far as the dreaded Monkey butt. I never seem to have a problem with that. Just in case I have some diaper rash ointment in my bag.

Either way I am ready to go. I cant wait!!!!!



Jul 24, 1999
That sounds pretty awesome. Enjoy the trip, and be sure to let us know how you did! ;)
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