It has started


Aug 2, 2001
Yes I do believe that, I for one have always felt Canada and US to be pretty close to being one. There are no other 2 countries that share the same traits as us. But I for one am starting to realize that the United States is probably the most powerful countrys in the world, and the cowards that did this reside in a little turd of a country. If I were them I would be VERY scared, It's like being a little kid again and running up on the biggest kid in class and smacking him in the back of the head while he's not looking and then running away and hiding behind the monkey bars. It does not matter how hard you smacked him, he is 3 times the size of you and eventually he is going to turn around and walk twoards the monkey bars and rip your head off! So American's don't worry (not that I think any of you are) you are stonger than they will ever be, and it scares them! And me being one Canadian(may not mean much) but I have your back, and so does the rest of Canada. And you will get your vengance.

So stand tall and proud American's everywhere, you guys are showing your true strength right now. Freedom scares these people and they can't stop it no matter how hard they try

I am proud of all you guys! I am proud that I didn't have to grow up in the filth that those terrorists had to! I am proud to be free!
I commend all of you!

Long live Freedom!
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Sep 15, 2000
I went out yesterday for a couple pints (ok ALOt of pints) just to try and forget what I witnessed on TV. I still can't get it out of my head. I can't understand why I'm so #$%ing pissed off. Hell I"m not even American, I don't know anyone who got hurt/killed. I can't understand how any person/persons would wish this much destruction on someone else. I don't think I've cracked a smile in 2 days and probably won't for a few more. I hope the US finds out who did this and lays the biggest wave of pure terror upon them. The way people have lived for the past 20 years will change forever. I allready donated blood and am seriously thinking of driving down to NYC to offer any help that I can. Without the US, Canada would be a sitting duck in a very large pond. I know we are only the little brother, but this has affected me, and probably alot of other Canadians, just as it has affected you, and your american brothers and sisters.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Re: Re: Ahem.

Originally posted by Truespode
I cry out for vengence.

I want it.
My feelings exactly.

Thankfully, my kids are oblivious to what's going on so far (My son just knows no airplanes can fly in America) so they are sleeping well.

I am not.

Your vengeance seeking XRpredator,
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