Aug 6, 2000
Today after the terrist attacks got done 2 muslims that run a gas station next to my work were jumped and beaten up. The thing is they are from India and they are 2 really nice guys and they in no way desreved this. I knew this would happen I just wish it didn't happen.


Apr 3, 2001
I am a White Boy American

But I will say that I do not agree with beating up a these people.

America is made up of, people of all races and religons thats what makes america (AMERICA).

Alot of people that come from those areas should not be threatened by us because of the "evil acts" that have been put apon us from their culture.

I assume their in America because they do not like the ways of their goverment and I can accept that.

My only gripe are the people in thier country that need to be punished, its unfortunate that some of their people will pay the price for what their leaders have done.I wish there was a way to seperate them so that the innocent were not to be punished for their leaders actions.We must make our stand to assure our countrys FREEDOME with out putting harm to the innocent.


Dec 31, 1969
You are very naive young lad.
their people will pay the price for what their leaders have done
Yes, in the real world, that's how it works. The cowards such as these terrorists, Sadam and the like, hide within their population, putting their people at risk. Blame them. You slaughter THOUSANDS of innocent Americans, you will pay in a very big way.

I wish there was a way to seperate them so that the innocent were not to be punished for their leaders actions
Everyone would like that, but it won't happen.
We must make our stand to assure our countrys FREEDOME with out putting harm to the innocent.
Nice thought, but like I said, naive. Welcome to the real world.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Maybe something to consider. If you see anybody being attacked because of their background do something, call the police or if you are capable defuse the situation (think first on this one). Having the idiots in our country doing these senseless acts based upon their own twisted views makes us all look bad. We're American's here people, "home of the free and the brave" ring a bell? Freedom applies to everyone reguardless of where you we're born and attacking people of other backgrounds is NOT brave! It's STUPID.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I live in a university town (University of Idaho) and there are several Arab/Muslim students and residents around here. My cousin works at the U of I and she said there was not a single member of any of those groups on campus yesterday.

It's sad that the innocents are living in fear, in our country.


Apr 3, 2001
Wishful or Naive

Call it as you wish.

If you are going to call me Naive and quote me on it at least quote the whole Pie not just the slice.

My only gripe are the people in thier country that need to be punished, its unfortunate that some of their people will pay the price for what their leaders have done.I wish there was a way to seperate them so that the innocent were not to be punished for their leaders actions.We must make our stand to assure our countrys FREEDOME with out putting harm to the innocent.

Like I said its Unfortunate they will pay the price, its sorta like your dad steals a car and you get locked up for it.

Okie I guess in your world you can see it as Naive but I don't see it that way at all. what I see is a good hearted AMERICAN (ME) that has a great love for his country and would like the rest of the world respect our actions.

I am not saying that we should put our fingers up out butt either.
If YOU were not so Naive about this post you would have noticed that I was refering to the Innocent people in America.

You can correct me if you feel we should beat up some 7-11 or gas station store owners over this matter..seeing that I am to naive to tell the diffrence


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Yamamoto I don't think your initial post was clear about the innocent people residing in the USA. What Okie is trying to say is the cowards that do this type of act ALWAYS hide within their people so that if an attack is mounted thay can say "Look at all the innocent people you attacked you are so bad for attacking them...." which only furthers their agenda with the population. They didn't seem to care about the innocent people they killed and some were even dancing in the streets. How much dancing in the streets do you think there will be when THEY suffer the wrath for the scum they are letting hide within their communities?


Apr 3, 2001
No DRN Halo?

Originally posted by Psyco Diver 69
Today after the terrist attacks got done 2 muslims that run a gas station next to my work were jumped and beaten up. The thing is they are from India and they are 2 really nice guys and they in no way desreved this. I knew this would happen I just wish it didn't happen.

I was sticking to the "TOPIC" ....he went off topic...I do understand that he DID NOT understand that, I am sorry he seen MEN on the door but walked into the ladies room.

As far as the over seas dealing ....I would be way to EXPLICT to post them here, and you would think that I am just down right mean.


Apprentice Goon
Mar 16, 2001
Charlestown, IN
I feel it's more than the simple justice that we have come to know. We are facing a battle of good vs. evil. Neither of which can be contained within walls or borders. Nor should our wrath be contained.
If good is to triumph over evil, action must not be towards the target of a person, or even a government, for that matter. But the target must be evil, plain and simple. Evil and all those that advocate evil.
Moderation is not an option in a perfect vision.

God be with our leaders.


Apr 3, 2001

Originally posted by Okiewan
If I had the time to tear-up your youthful ignorance, I'd be glad to. Unfortunatley, there is too much going on to worry about it.

"Wishful" thinking is nice, but carries no weight.
Carry on.
your youthful ignorance

I got to laugh ....To make a person attack to make your self feel a sure sign of weakness.

Now no more name calling you may hurt my feelings....ok tough guy


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
I don't know, but I have a hard time worrying about the civilians over there when I see film of them on TV dancing around, cheering, throwing candy, shooting AK47s in the air, celebrating what has happened. :silly:

They didn't worry about collateral damage. The WTC wasn't even a military installation.

Just off the news--Osama bin-Laden praises the attack (doesn't claim responsibility), Iraqi and Iranian newspapers say the "American Cowboys" are getting what they deserve.

Time to take out all three of 'em. We'll show 'em "Cowboys" . . . :silly:

I'm mad as Hell.


Apr 3, 2001
Your correct

Originally posted by Truespode

I see what you are saying. I believe (and I may be wrong) but Okie and you are on the same page just singing different lyrics :)

but he may not admit it.


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
Re: Re: Your correct

Originally posted by Truespode
Mob mentallity is easy to build in that environment. Let's not condemn them for their ignorance.
Ivan baby, ;) I get your drift.

It's just that I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it any more!


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by XRpredator
I don't know, but I have a hard time worrying about the civilians over there when I see film of them on TV dancing around, cheering, throwing candy, shooting AK47s in the air, celebrating what has happened. :silly:

They didn't worry about collateral damage. The WTC wasn't even a military installation.

Just off the news--Osama bin-Laden praises the attack (doesn't claim responsibility), Iraqi and Iranian newspapers say the "American Cowboys" are getting what they deserve.

Time to take out all three of 'em. We'll show 'em "Cowboys" . . . :silly:

I'm mad as Hell.

Why, in God’s name, do we have to endure this crap every time the US suffers some type of misfortune?

It is time to put an end to terrorism and it’s sponsorship once and for all. We should assemble a global alliance to go in and knock down all the borders, establish one central government, and immediately squelch (carpet bomb into oblivion) any opposition. The subject factions have had decades to iron out their differences and it has not worked. It’s time to do it for them! The world gets smaller every day which only guarantees that incidents like these will continue to increase unless they are dealt with in a severe and final manner.

Yeah, I know. I’m mad as hell too and I am making some assumptions but I think they are pretty safe assumptions.

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
In almost any crisis, there is a natural progression of responses that take place. The shock, horror, disgust, fear have all started to run their emotional courses. Now the real problem begins to take place-irrational division/response,

We as Americans were all attacked yesterday. My family, your families-everyone was attacked by this act of war-and by definition it is an act of war.

Just as Pearl Harbor caused all of the above emotions, it also divided. We MUST, as Americans remain focused in our resolve to STAND UP to our oppressors. This means support our leaders in this time of war. The best support that we can give is to remain a united country-ALL AMERICANS MUST UNITE!

Please don't start the endless scapegoating and finger-pointing that has already started. Did intelligence let us down? How can anybody rightfully make that claim? This was an act of war carried out in its most simple form-government appointed thugs that overtook planes with knives and box cutters! Intelligence as well as any member of Islam couldn't have predicted this.

The innocent need to be protected, not harmed. Ideology does not make any person a murderer, but it sure can put you in the cross-fire. But let our appointed protectors take that responsibility, not mobs hell bent on retribution..Let's make sure to keep that in focus.

As far as any participating countries that supported in any way, shape or form, I have confidence in our leaders that these acts of agression will be duly dealt with-our great counrty has to much at stake here.

But to punish tow "towelheads" as I've heard many times since yesterday, we would just be furthering THEIR cause, not America's. The people attacked in the above post ARE Americans. We have to remain both strong and thoughtful. Only then we will be victorious.

As far as the people dancing in the streets, as stated earlier, we have no idea what they were even celebrating. If they were celebrating our brothers and sisters dying, then all I can do is take pity on them. Set foot on our soil and try to harm us-then we have something altogether different.

With that said, I hope our action matches what was done in terms of severity. Other countries have to understand that we will not be stopped in our pursuit of freedom. If the innocent are involved in making that statement-such is the price of war.

I believe that we were forced to ante-up yesterday.

God Bless the United States of America.


Apr 11, 2000
Russia will side with us, India needs our economy and doesn't even have the Navy to give us a problem, Japan needs our economy and China wants favorable nation status for trade. These would be the only countries that would bother me. Mostly, the European Countries will either help us or stay out of the way and make a "media" statement.

The European countries (NATO states) WILL assist the USA as far as I see things. An attack on any country that is a member of NATO constitutes a attack on NATO. The USA have all the resources of NATO at their disposal. This means all member states are obliged to assist and you can use their equipment, mampower, airfields, military inteligence etc etc

Our country is not a NATO member but various organizations such as search & rescue, medical etc have already offered their services to the US Embassy here and members are on standby should their assistance be required and I'm sure there are many other countries that did likewise.

You are not alone.
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Sponsoring Member<br>Club Moderator
Mar 9, 2001
Reading Reon post and many others, It appears that these animals awoke more than just the sleeping giant:)


Jul 27, 1999
Beaverton, OR
NATO invoked Article 5 today, a very significant act.

Coalitions are forming,very reminiscent of the days before Desert Shield/Storm.

The hammer WILL fall, the question is only on who and when.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Sand into glass.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999

The mere idea of surgical attacks to apprehend or kill the responsible parties for yesterdays TERRORIST attacks is obsurd. As barbaric as it may be the only way to flush out these faceless cowards is to hit those who harbore them hard with no mercy. No mamby pamby actions, just brutal, ruthless, unbridled war. Forget the notion of "colateral" damage. Americans just received a HUGE amount of "colateral" damage and I feel it deep in my soul.
The unfortunate repurcussions suffered by inocent Americans of Arabic decent is tragic. The same things happened to the Japenese in WWII and much worse. Do what you can to prevent these sinceless acts but remember that you can/will be looked upon by some as a "sympathiser". Be prepared for more unfortunate things to come. It is a price that we all will pay for freedom.
I will, as many others will, defend America's freedom against any foe, anytime, anywhere. "I" will not feel remorse if those surrounding this foe are injured or killed. Nor will "I" help to restore their lives back to some form of normalcy. "I" will not allow a fanatic to dictate my life and that INCLUDES the enviromentalist within this country.
Fellow DRN members, fellow Americans, and those abroad, I do not wish harm upon anyone that does not wish to harm me but I WILL respond in kind to any attack that threatens the very foundation of our society.

PS OKIE, I commend you for the restraint you have shown. Ivan, XRP, Jaybird, and Patman, you have each shown that even through anger, you have since of presence and uncommon sense.

(a smilie does not exist to express my feelings)


Aug 2, 2001
Stay strong Ivan, I feel your pain. I am actually a Canadian and I feel your pain and all other american's pain for that matter. I wish I had something to say to make things better but I don't, and right now I don't know who does. Nothing makes me more frustrated then seeing "those people" cheering and celebrating at the death of others! I want to severly punish every last one of those people!! Unfortuantely they were raised that way and they know no better. Oneday they will get what's coming to them and it will ruin them forever. I don't know how anyone can possibly be happy at this but when you live in a twisted country like them I guess that's how it goes( I am not naming country's here because it is mainly a few sick people that think they are higher than god) I truly can't understand the rage you people must have, if this were to happen in Canada I would not be able to type right now, However Ivan just like you I too shed tears for all the people that were killed there and all their families. I don't know if they are tears or sorrow or for rage however. I too have vengence, I go to work today and I see american planes at the airport and it drives me crazy that there are 10 000 scared american's in this country not being able to grasp what really has happened. However I assure you that Candians are doing everything possible to help. So I cannot grasp this fully because I am not American, but I do shed a tear for you people. I assure you these people will get what's coming to them. ONE DAY I know something will happen to them. I am not totally religious but I know they will feel the wrath of god upon them! I pray everyday for all these people's families and right now my typing is breaking up because my rage, I am sorry Ivan I wish I had more to say, but I commend you at this time , you are a strong person and the USA would not be as strong if it wern't for people like you.


Aug 2, 2001
Yes I do believe that, I for one have always felt Canada and US to be pretty close to being one. There are no other 2 countries that share the same traits as us. But I for one am starting to realize that the United States is probably the most powerful countrys in the world, and the cowards that did this reside in a little turd of a country. If I were them I would be VERY scared, It's like being a little kid again and running up on the biggest kid in class and smacking him in the back of the head while he's not looking and then running away and hiding behind the monkey bars. It does not matter how hard you smacked him, he is 3 times the size of you and eventually he is going to turn around and walk twoards the monkey bars and rip your head off! So American's don't worry (not that I think any of you are) you are stonger than they will ever be, and it scares them! And me being one Canadian(may not mean much) but I have your back, and so does the rest of Canada. And you will get your vengance.

So stand tall and proud American's everywhere, you guys are showing your true strength right now. Freedom scares these people and they can't stop it no matter how hard they try

I am proud of all you guys! I am proud that I didn't have to grow up in the filth that those terrorists had to! I am proud to be free!
I commend all of you!

Long live Freedom!
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