- Jun 26, 2001
- 1,824
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last sunday i just mutilated my front fender, removing and placing,with great force i might add, my only drn sticker on a big oak. now i just got 2 new front fenders from D kirk today. i spray painted all the old plastic with factory paint(speckled and all) and it looked good, the only new plastic on my bike at this time is the YZ rear fender(figured that was safe, i've got a complete new set of plastic in the garage) but now i'm skeered(hilly billy scared) ya see, the first step to solving your problem is admitting to it, i have. i am a spode, but i have landed on my head many times,and because of this i am some what, well, aint right! therefore i seem to use the right twisty thing on my bike like a resses crack monkey in a lab cage pushing the "fix" button. ya see, i'm a whiskey throttle spode, whiskey spode for short, so i know when i put the new plastic on, well ,it aint gonna look new for long, and in fact might only last 1 ride. so now the canundrum, duct tape the old front fender and advertise, or warn, if you will, all other riders in my area of my skill level, or...put on the new plastic, make the bike look good and just stand around the track, lookin' "oh so good" like a poser? i see no middle ground! :whiner: "hi everybody, my name's crash, and i'm a whiskey-spode"..."hi crash". :silly: