Joining the ranks of the wonded!


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
Joining the ranks of the wonded!!

Well, It's official, I'm dangerous just walking around. Tuesday afternoon I walked to the end of my driveway to pick up Cody's scooter and put it in the garage (next time he can put it up himself)! Anyway, I stepped on something (didn't see what, it was getting dark) either a hickory nut or an acorn and the left ankle rolled over and popped. It's the same ankle I've broken once and had surgery another time for torn ligaments. Anyway, after a few choice words, I tried to walk on it so I could get in the house. No luck! :( I used his scooter as a crutch (at least it came in handy for something) and crashed on the couch. After a while, I could finally walk with pain but at least I could walk. I've got my ankle brace back on for a few days and will be fine but I will have to watch it for a while, now it feels really weak.

Moral of the story, put me on my motorcycle, it's much safer than walking around! :p
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Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Ouch! That doesn’t sound fun! I’m sorry. Hope you feel better soon. A scooter as a crutch . . . now that’s an idea.


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
Sheesh....I can't even spell! It's supposed to say "wounded". :eek:


Jul 12, 2001
oh bummer! reminds me of the time 3 years ago, I stepped off the curb in front of the house, and broke my leg!
Is that clutzy or what?!
Then I tore my ACL 6 months into I guess you could say I'm dangerous to myself off or ON a dirt bike ;)


Mar 27, 2001
Glad to hear you are going to be okay. Sounds like it was a pretty close call especially if you have already wounded that ankle.

I hate that feeling when you first get hurt.....all you can think about is, "Okay, how bad is it going to be this time?" But then when you find out you're going to be all right, it is like, "Yeah!"


Sponsoring Member
Dec 28, 1999
It's been a little over a week now and the pain is pretty much gone, except when I move it just right. It's still a nice color yellow and purple, still have some swelling, but it's getting better. The weather here has been beautiful for almost three weeks now. Highs in the mid 70's and not a cloud in the sky. I want to go riding sooooo bad. I know the nice weather won't last. I'm going to try to give it another week or so and maybe try for a short ride the weekend after Thanksgiving.:)


When I tore the ligaments and had to have surgery, I simply stepped off a sidewalk and into a hole. Even the doctor told me to come up with a better story, it was pathetic to be that clumsy. Good thing I'm not that clumsy all the time. I couldn't afford the medical bills otherwise.;)

Thanks for everyone's well wishes!


Jul 12, 2001
glad to hear you are recovering!
When I told my Dr what happened, he said I'd be surprised by how many clumsy adults there are!
The number one reason for breaking a leg if you are an adult is falling down the stairs LOL!
Maybe we're not the execption after all ;)
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