AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
There seems to be interest in a smaller 4 stroke
bike with a better chassis than what is currently available from the big 4 (or 5)

I have several USED 01 CR80's (very clean) i was thinking of converting over with XR100 or XR200 engines (new) and was simply curious if anyone would be interested in them.
The conversions are not done..just an idea. and the price is not known but a rough guess would be $3800 for the xr100/cr80
a bit more for the xr200/cr80.

I will do one for sure for myself in the next few months.

Lori..lol i'm not really intending to spam..this is my own lil side
project simply for fun.. not a corporate ad.

its just that this forum just has the question of this style of bike to come up more often than others? and if i'm building one..its about as easy to build two or three.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
AJ, if you build it, they will buy it, I'm sure. You know, for that price I'd consider an XR200 conversion for myself! Are those CR80 chassis, or CR80 Expert chassis? I think even most of the shorter women here would prefer the taller wheels.

(P.S. You're not the first to experiment with these ideas in the women's forum! I'm more than willing to keep discussions like this open).


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I think it would be a great idea--we (BBR) don't do the steel frame conversions any more and we get plenty of calls for them. If you need used bare frames, call us.


Feb 9, 2000
AJ, how about an aluminum framed CR80 expert with a gas gas trials TXT 200 or 250 engine !! :debil:


Dec 16, 2000
Hey AJ,

If you got several CR80's standing by... we've still got Susan's BBR120 frame/engine/package for sale. All it's needs is the CR80's suspension, handlebars, pegs, etc. (We used the original suspension pieces on Susan's BBR200...) Between you CR80 and our frame/engine/tank /pipe/etc. .... you've got an afternoon of bolting things together to go riding on one! (grin)

Here's a link to what it looks like all bolted together:


The new XR120 engine was assembled by Frank Nye of XR100s-Only and the frame mods/custom mounting brackets were done by BBR. Both are top notch work.

It's ready for shipping... any interest? We're asking $2250 for everything (includes spare parts, manual, etc.) I can supply more details here or you can send me a private email if you want at: rburress@pacifier.com

BTW, for all following this thread, the CR80/XR100_120 is an absolutely great combo for first-timers or shorter riders who value a "right-sized" bike that handles great and only weighs ~ 170 lbs.

Which is why we became and will always be true-blue BBR fans.

You'll have to keep us updated on how your project goes!

Cheers! - E-Ticket

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
whoa ! Thanks for the input!

Lori - Thanks..they are used CR80 experts
..one is mine..two are used ones i can get very reasonable
and since i was doing mine anyway ..
i might do those as well if anyone was interested..
not a new SH model..
this is out of my own garage yanno?
and not intended to be a new job..lol!
intended to be fun lil project and give me a reason to goof in the garage..i need to have at least 5 projects going at once or i go crazy..

FC - i was sort of wondering why Duane stopped doing the steel frame conversion..i just assumed there was not much demand and is sort of why i posted,just to see.

GSR- lol. :) you ARE moving closer but i think it would still be to long of commute for you.

Bundu - LOL those type of TOTAL frame building conversions are indeed BBR's specialty!!!
i am sure they would make you one that would just kill man!

hmm .. now THAT is interesting !!!!
I hadnt seen that for sale before!!
I'm actually going motard racing in a mini motard class with the finished product..the BBR frame ( not to mention hot rod engine)
would be sooo very coool :)

arrhgh!NOW look what you did!!
i'll be thinking of various designs, and finished project bikes all night again.
I really need to take up knitting or something :)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
AJ, what sort of knitting patterns would you like? Baby bootees? Or just start easy with a scarf? Maybe a square would be easier to start with. Knit 1, Pearl 1, k1, p1, k2, p3 etc etc lol ;)
If ya need any, give me a yell, I'll go see mum & scan them in hehehe

Duneman was looking at doing some conversions, but never heard what happened???????????

I know over here, XR200 engines in KX80 frames are popular. Something between the XR100 & 200 size-wise would be good & something a bit larger than the 200 as well.
Good luck with your venture & have fun


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
AJ, is the XR250 motor an option for these bikes? I'd like to have a motor with a little more "pop" to it than the XR200. Unless of course Rich and Eric could breathe some fire into the thumper jr....hmm...Jeremy's magic on the suspension...uhhh (drool)...now you've got ME thinking!

Dave and I were discussing your project this morning, and agreed that a 250 four-stroke would be nearly ideal for the snotty trails out here, and would still be able to keep up with the bigger bikes on the roads. Short height, light weight and I could ride the all-day enduros without getting beat up. Hmm. Keep us posted!


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Originally posted by AJ Waggoner
I really need to take up knitting or something :)
No, no, no, no AJ, it's "needlepoint" remember. ;) I like my sweaters kinda baggy........ :p Maybe you could knit yourself a dirtbike cozy in your down time. ;)

AJ Waggoner

Crash Test Dummy
Nov 5, 1999
Honda has a 150 and 230ccc
XR style engine coming out soon..that might be something i play with down the road.
right now i can get a few XR100 or XR200 engines. and have the used CR80 experts around..as well as too much time on my hands it seems.
I think the xr250 engine has a much bigger lower engine case so not easily adaptable..have to check.

Michelle and HMC- lol i've made doilies before ..want one? ;)


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
Now, AJ, if you can put together a CR suspension kit for the XRs, then I can send a lot of my phone/email requests to you . . .


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Oct 23, 2000
Even though they are Hondas, I would be very interested. Just kidding. My wife dislikes her kx 80, as soon as my son moves up to it, I'll be in the market for a new bike. For that money it'd be hard to beat.

A few years ago we were at Guy Coopers house, when he showed my wife the RM/xr conversion he had made for Wanda, my wife seemed to like the idea. Keep us posted.:)


Dec 16, 2000
Soon AJ is going to be the proud papa of a "mini-motard."

Film at 11:00 ....... (grin)

-- E-Ticket
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