kdx big bore kits


Apr 24, 2001
I remember some info from a year or so back about a big bore kit for KDX's. I seem to remember a 240 kit and a maybe 280 kit. Am I remembering right or not? Any inf anyone has or reports about how they worked and cost and where to find them would be appreciated. Thanks Guys!
PS A buddy is looking for a spare rear wheel set up for his 98 KDX. He wants to keep his paddle on it and swap wheels instead of tires any thoughts on a low cost way to find a rear wheel. Thanks again


Jun 7, 2001
The Kits are a 240 and a 225.
I have the 240 on my bike. I never rode it in good condition but the bike even in worn condition had gobs of bottum end tourque. the Top end power goes kinda flat but you dont need it with the awesome bottum. If you go to eric gorr however i have heard he will add porting in that will help "all around power".
My 85 240 easily outran my dad's stock 200 (88). I smoke him out of turns and the torque makes the bike easier to ride, climb hills with, and do water crossing and technical stuff.
does anyone have any experience with the 225 kit ?


Aug 7, 1999
I didn't like my 240 kit on an '88 aircooled bike. yeah, heaps of bottom, but it fell flat quickly. Maybe porting would have helped. Also, I couldn't get the jetting 'just right'. I gave up and got a '96 model.
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