Kdx Needs Help!!!


Aug 5, 2002
My 84 Kawasaki KDX is running bad. i jsut traded my 86 Honda XL 600 for it because i wanna go 2 stroke. i rode it at the guys house it seemed ok. i got home took it out for a little bit and its not right. like all the gears bogg down at first, then kick in after a few seconds and maybe even after i pull the clutch in then let it out. and it also doesnt feel like all the power is there at the end of the gear(know wut i mean). its like the bike wants to still go in that gear but wont and then i have to shift, then it boggs in the next gear. i thought it might of been the carb so i took that apart, cleaned it. drained the gas, put new gas in it. cleaned the air filter and still isnt right( got a little better for a few). i had the bike for like 3 days. i think it might be the CLUTCH. let me know if that sounds logical. thanks alot. ~JOEL~ :confused: , :|


Aug 5, 2002
i did all that already. i took off the bowls and cleaned it. theres like a brand new plug in it.


Mar 29, 2002
What jets are in the carb? Visit Canadian Dave's Just KDX site and see what he recommends for starters for that year. Is the compression good?


Sponsoring Member
Mar 9, 2002
Clutch issues come to mind, does the bike seem to rev really hard without putting out any speed? I had an '87 XL250 that the clutch went bad on. I'd be driving down the road and all of a sudden the engine would wind out (sounded like it was screaming) and the power would chop, like you were chopping the throttle even with it WFO.
Another thing you may want to check is compression. How does the bike start? Is it hard to kick over? When was the last time a top end rebuild was done? Is there any seepage around the engine, gasket problems? Good luck
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