kdx waterpump


Jul 25, 2005
I have a 2000 KDX 220, am installing new waterpump seal. Factory manual says to clean the sliding surface of a new mechanical seal with a high flash point solvent. Is lacquer thinner a suitable solvent? Do I clean both the rubber and ceramic surfaces? Am really not clear as to what is meant.


Jul 20, 2005
Kerosene? Thats got oil in it, I don't think I'd clean any mating surface with a solvent that has oil in it. Oil just makes the mating surface, well, oily-which in effect helps promotes leaks. One example would be to clean a surface with kerosene and then lay a bead of silicone on it. Next to this, clean the same surface with a solvent with no oil in it. Run a bead of the same silicone. When it drys, try to peel up both silicones. See which is easier to pull up.

I've built many, many, many race motors for drag cars and to clean any surface I would only use alcohol. Paint thinner would work fine but steer away from anything with "mineral spirits" in it, as this is just another form of oil.

I know this post is a little late but I've been outta town, good luck.
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