KDX200 vs KDX220

Green Hornet

Apr 2, 2005
I've read in these threads that there is not much of a difference between the 200 & 220. That people perfer the 200 due to the topend. Well this weekend I rode anothers 04 KDX200 to my 05 KDX220. Well there is a big difference. My 220 was much snappier an faster throughout the gears. Both bikes had similar mods, FMF Gnarly (200 Woods/220Desert), Turbinecore Silencers & boyseen Power Reeds(220).The 200 is a fine bike, but I would suggest riding them to see the difference vs. reading about the difference. The 200 seemed almost torque-e-rrrr then the 220. Seemed like I had to ride it harder than my 220 for power. Just my opinion
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Green Hornet

Apr 2, 2005
I'm(220) running stock jets w/the needle in the 2nd notch. He is running one size smaller main & pilot than stock. I may have to go down one size on the main. I just switched fuel ratio and have to see how it is. The 200 power was fine, it just felt that the gearing was lower (Four Stroke Like). His bike is running clean and he said" it feels more MX, than the 200"Not too rich & not too lean"
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Sep 3, 2004
I haven't ridden a 220, but the woods pipe on the 200 does give it 4-stroke-like torque. I'm continually surprised at how much power I have at low revs, generally when climbing a hill and thinking I'm not going to make it. It would be interesting to compare a 200 and 220, both with desert pipes.

Tom L

Dec 18, 2004
I just swapped my fmf rev for an fmf torque on my 220 last weekend for something different. There is a huge difference between the 2 pipes!!! I rode my bike for about a half hour with the rev pipe, then switched to the torque pipe and rode immediately so the feeling of the rev pipe was still fresh in my mind. I lost most of the top end "hit" but gained a good bit of low end torque. I can't decide which one I like better. What I really want is the low end of the torque pipe and the top end of the rev pipe at the same time damn it!!! I hate having to choose between the two!!! Overall acceleration is definitely better with the rev pipe. I can get 4th gear power wheelies easily with the rev pipe, but not a chance with the torque pipe (13/52 sprockets, rb carb, carbon tech LT reeds, stock silencer).


Nov 18, 2002
Tom L said:
What I really want is the low end of the torque pipe and the top end of the rev pipe at the same time damn it!!! (13/52 sprockets, rb carb, carbon tech LT reeds, stock silencer).

Get a Delta VForce3 Reed cage, run the reeds on low tension, toss the stock silencer for a FMF TC2 and have ron (RB designs) rework the squish band on your head and you'll be able to run the rev pipe without any troubles. Your gearing is also pretty low, you might try switching to a 13/50 or a 12/47 with the torque pipe on.


Green Hornet

Apr 2, 2005
The 220 still has the lowend I love, but now has a nice hit with the desert pipe and power reeds. I'm glad I listened to Fredette on his recommendations. Now its time to put the .38 springs in the forks to compliment the S12 & M12 tires I have just put on.

Tom L

Dec 18, 2004
Thanks Maurice!!! I forgot about the delta force reed cage. I'll add that to my shopping list!!! I'm sending my head to R-B this winter when I do the top end.

What will the TC2 silencer do??? Add top end power???
May 26, 2005
I beleive the Turbine Core will give a tiny bit more low end and it's Forestry Approved. If you don't think you will ever need a spark arrestor get the Power Core 2. It will add a little top end. At least those are Fredette's suggestions.

I think I may go ahead and pickup the Desert pipe too. I love the Woods pipe and the bike is capable of pulling stumps out of the ground in it's current setup. Having the desert pipe in the truck gives a bit of an option if the course calls for it.

Hornet how different was you jetting between the 2 pipes??

Green Hornet

Apr 2, 2005
Jetting for the pipes-I did nothing. When I installed the power reeds I lowered the needle one notch. I may have to go down on the main a bit. Just maybe. Fredette told me I might have to lower (Lean) the needle, but said the main should be fine. Its pretty close now though. If all of your events are on a closed course then a SA is not needed, but if you are going to try Enduros you will want the spark arrestor

Tom L

Dec 18, 2004
I saw no difference in jetting between the two pipes either. The only thing I did was go a step leaner on the main to enhance the top end power with the rev pipe, but it didn't really make much difference.


Nov 18, 2002
Its been noted before that the "rev" profile pipes take a richer jet set than the "torque" pipes, at least one main jet size, sometimes two. If you went leaner on the main and WFO with the rev pipe seemed better, then chances are you were most likely too rich with the torque pipe to begin with.

And chances are that if your starting all of this with stock jetting (somewhere around 158main, 48 pilot and the stock needle) then your not even close to getting all the power that your bike is capable of.

The stock needle is really a less than appealing choice for either pipe. If you haven't tried an alternative needle you might look at a CEK/4 or there abouts to really put a bit of life in your bike.

Give it a try - you'll like it.

May 26, 2005
I'd just like to find a bit more over rev. With the woods pipe the power just goes flat right above mid RPM there is really no run out to speak of. I've got my jetting pretty much spot on and it is a world different than before. IE Way more bottom and mid than the stock jetting. Coming from screaming 125's I just wish for a bit more pull on top. Maybe I should have gone with a 200 vs the 220 I bought as this seems to be the main power charecteristic of the 220 anyway.


Nov 18, 2002
The porting on the 220's is really restrictive, it focuses all the power down low, promoting that flat top end feeling. The rev pipe will help on the 220 but not completely eliminate the flat top end. Porting would be the next step but can be pretty large crap shoot...Some riders have specified pump 91 as the gas of choice and found that it would only run right (non-pinging) on race gas.

Green Hornet

Apr 2, 2005
During the winter I will be sending it to Fredette for the porting and carb wok. Maybe RB for the Carb work. I run 93 Octane in my bike. Race fuel I doonn't even know where to get it, but have heard $11 a Gallon. Jeff has never mentioned this when I asked and I believe he would have said so-He straight forward when you ask him types of questions.
May 26, 2005
hmmmm Race fuel is pretty available around here but with the compression so low on these motors I don't see how it could help unless your just refering to a ported cylinder and milled head. then I could see it.

If you think it will help I'll give it a shot :)


Nov 18, 2002
Green Hornet said:
Jeff has never mentioned this when I asked and I believe he would have said so-He straight forward when you ask him types of questions.

Next time CC pokes his head in here ask him about his wonderful Fredette port job. It was interesting to be sure...



Nov 18, 2002
I'm sure there have been plenty of satisfied people before, I was just illustrating the point that porting can and does have a wide range of effects, the same holds true for people running Eric Gorr's 225 kit, some of them run fine on pump 91, some need a mix of race fuel to get it there.
