luke lawrence

Apr 5, 2015
southern maryland
last summer I got an old 1980 ke 175 to fix up. it had been sitting for well over 10 years outside. i finally within a week had it running. ive put a lot of work into it geting it to look good
but it it just to hard to start ive broken 4 kickstart levers :BANG: and almost my leg because when im kickstarting it and give it a little gas it kicks back and throws me to the moon i don't understand how it kicks back that hard.:YIKES:

some days ill walk out and it will start first kick cold or warm and other days or even in the same day it will take over 20 kicks to start.
when im bump starting it on a dirt road the tire will just lock up in second gear most of the time i have to be going down hill for it to not. And it back fires hot and cold when starting it.
that thing runs fine and has plenty of power for an old bike but it just takes forever and is a pain to start. . the bike has spark plenty of compression (i can stand on the kickstart lever and stay up) and runs fine just hard to start. (it also has a lot of black sludge coming out of the muffler)
has anybody had anything similar happen or knows what it is any help would be greatly appreciated.:THUMB:
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Jul 29, 2000
South America
reduce the compression (put a thicker head gasket on. you can buy gasket material at the auto parts store to make your own), clean and gap the ignition points if there are any (in case the ignition is too advanced), check for crank seal leaks, clean out the carburetor jets, make sure the spark plug is gapped around .025" (.7mm)

luke lawrence

Apr 5, 2015
southern maryland
Spark plug id gaped at .30 (its a b7es) spark is clean and blue i have another gasket would adding 2 of them work, i cant seen to find a flywheel puller to get the flywheel off the only one i found is old and 82$ i think there is something easier id like to take a look at the timing because it does backfire but i fixed that, the oil pump was set at like 15:1 now it seems to backfire less and is a little better at starting but is still hard to even pushstart. it runs fine i just wish it would start a little easier. the spark does look a little small and i heard when you get shocked by ur spark plug it hurts like crap and i barely felt it .

luke lawrence

Apr 5, 2015
southern maryland
thanks, i will try putting two gaskets around the cylinder the spark plug says to be gaped at .30 ill try .25 it cant hurt and im looking for a flywheel puller so i can check the timing im thnking it is a little advanced if anything.

I took it riding yesterday and one thing that i noticed is that there is a little knob with a screw on the top of the carburetor. (the needle does not have 5 slots it only has one) so i think that is for richer/leaner running because when i screw it all the way in it bogs and back fires like its cold and when i take it all the way out it seems to start and run a little cleaner.

luke lawrence

Apr 5, 2015
southern maryland
could it be the coil or the cdi i tested the coil and all the readings except the ground where good i couldn't get a clear reading and it was lower than normal but not by much, would getting a higher quality spark plug do anything the spark plug i have now is half fouled i hope the stator is not going im still looking into the flywheel puller

luke lawrence

Apr 5, 2015
southern maryland
OH! i forgot to mention could the float height be doing this it seems like it it the hardest to start when it is really hot or really cold. ive had problems setting the float height the bike leaked from the overflow valve when standing straight up now it leaks a little when i set it on the kickstand and leave the gas on, i dont see how it could cause the kick back but the hard starting maybe is there a way to set it i don't know the right measurement


Jul 29, 2000
South America
setting the float height is kinda universal. the straight part of the float needs to be parallel with the carb body when it fully seats the float valve.
that valve could be leaking. highly likely. take off the float bowl and turn the fuel petcock on and hold the float up to try to turn off the flow. if gas is still trickling past the valve then it is faulty.

luke lawrence

Apr 5, 2015
southern maryland
i went out today and the last few days and the bike has been running very bed it bogs or dies if i give it more than 1/2 throttle and it was extra hard to start it also was weak and sounded like crap it was making tat popping sound when ever i was in low rpm that a old car makes in the movies when its breaking down and it keeps getting worse.
for some weird reason my oil mix pump keeps readjusting its self and i tighten the crap out of that bolt its done it the last 3 times ive ridden it.
every time i get it started i have to rev it to the moon to get it to stay on like its flooded every time :BANG::BANG::BANG::BANG: anyone have a clue could it be the top end even though it feels like it has good compression i have put alot of time on it and i dont know how much was on it when i got it?:WHAT: or what about crap in my muffler there is a lot of black sludge coming out of it:WHOA:

Bilal Aziz

Aug 6, 2015
Bro, your bike's timing is advance (more then suggested) . Because i've the same off-road model and this bullet like kick back happen with me too and after lots of tries i found the problem with strobe light that my timing was too advance and it was solved by changing pols direction of exciter + pulsar coils.
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