KLX300 Crankcase Breather


Jan 2, 2001
I know that the crankcase breather on the KLX300 has a restrictor stuffed in the hose, but it can be pushed out easily. Why do people sell a kit to replace the factory hose when all you have to do is remove the restictor and re-attach the hose? The only thing I can think of is because you may suck oil thru the carb??? Any thoughts on this subject? I have the restrictor out but haven't re-attached the hose yet until I can reason this thru. Thanks.


Oct 26, 2001
I have tried the external breather kit and got tired of cleaning the filter. I put the stock one back on and removed the restrictor. I notice a little oil in the botom of the air boot but it hasn't caused any problems. I ride tight technical trails and race desert and no problems yet.


Sep 11, 2000
Actually, the power gained from a crankcase breather is not how open the breather is, but where it vents to. The original breather that is on the KLX vents directly into the airboot, forcing the engine to burn this "vapor" again. The aftermarket kits, like the one from stroker, vent gases to the airbox where they have a better chance of escaping and not being reburned. I installed a Stroker breather on my KLX and noticed the powerband got wider and started lower in the RPM's.
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