Knee Problems


Mar 25, 2002
So I've been playing basketball as a cross trainer and winter activity and yesterday I jumped up during a drill and when I came down my knee was gone. It has gotten weaker and weaker. What could it be? Also the knee hurts in one of those dull nulling pains. I've had other knee problems, such as permanent ones like Osgoodschlotterman's Disease, where a small bone fragment moves further away from the main bone(in lower leg), it does thin instead of fusing. This is where the knee hurts the most. In former instances with this disease, the leg only hurt but never weakened. What could be my problem?And suggestions welcome.



Sponsoring Member
Jan 2, 2002
man im by no means a doctor but i do have a little experiance with this. I have torn cartelige in my left knee from a crash on the mx track and my knee is really weak, really weak! and the only way to fix it is by surgery, but dont take my word get a second oppion for sure and get well before the riding season rolls around :aj:


Mar 25, 2002
Well today its a little better... but yet still i kneed(hehe) other suggestions. I hope it gets better by the riding season....


Dec 27, 1999
Short of surgery, the best panecea for knee pain is to keep the muscles strong around it. DON'T do leg extensions!! Yeah, they strengthen the muscles, but are hell on the joint! Riding at 20 is great, but being able to walk at 50 is good too!
Get some recommendations and go to a good orthepedic surgeon that specializes in sports injuries. Orthoscopic surgery is very non-invasive and recovery time is quick. It could just be a little cartilege floating around in the wrong place.


Sponsoring Member
Aug 30, 2002
Sounds like you strained or tore a ligament. I would stay off of it for a week or so and try an antiinflamtory med like motrin. Ice for the first day or two. If no better by then, go to your family doc and have him check it out. Also, if it continues to feel like it is going to give out, you need to have it checked.
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