
May 7, 2001
I've been riding a local supercross track for last two weeks, two times a week. This is my first time really riding supercross (I've only been on a dirtbike since march). my best lap time is 2m18s, the locals at the track said a 2 minute lap is good for intermediate riders. I'm on a KX100 where most people are on 125's and 250's. I'm debating if I should look into racing?
I can almost clear everything out there expect the '6 uphill jump' (3 sets of small doubles) and a few downhill drop-off's, but each time I'm out there I get closer and closer to clearing them.

from my time, do you think I have potential or will I make a fool of myself :eek:
and if I do get into racing which class could I be in with my lil ol kx100? :confused:


Apr 1, 2001
If you're gonna race, you've got to do it for the right reason-fun. If your worried about making a fool out of yourself, you'll probably ride over your head, and get hurt. (Been there, done that.) Ride for fun-the speed will come with experience!:D


May 16, 2001
Good point there KTMboy, we wouldn't ride if it was boring...
Kx100, I'd say go for it! So what if you don't make it big? Make sure you're riding for the right reason.


Mar 27, 2000
Go to a race there and time the riders that would be in your class. Just remember that there are usually sandbaggers in every class. Don't get discouraged if the top guys are super fast.

Don't worry about making a fool of yourself. You'll do that many, many times throughout your life. Everybody does it.


May 7, 2001
I agree with all of you. I wouldn't be on a bike if I didn't love it, and that is the only reason I do it, not to look cool, or be RC or JM. What I was trying to say is am I out of my league? Since I haven't really even rode motocross too much, mainly trail riding. I really didn't mean to stress 'making myself look like a fool'. For a few months when I bought my dirt bike I didn't have a truck to transport my bike, so I would stick it in the trunk of the ford taurus and take it down to the motorcycle park, I would get all kinds of laughs, but I didn't care, long as I was riding I was happy. But coming to racing, I'm not looking to place 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ect.. but I don't want to get skunked on the track either, I won't be having fun then. :] But I guess I will just have to try and see uh? if I win or get skunked, either way I did it! I guess long as I finish the race I'm doing ok :)

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