
Sep 17, 2001
I just recently started to get my 93 200 going again after about three years of sitting. I flushed all fluids, cleaned filter, re-packed silencer, and put in new plug. I have burned out all of the old gas/oil in the carb. I have not actually ridden it after this, but during start/running, I am getting excessive smoke. I have tried to burn it out by gassing it a bit, but it still smokes like a chimney. Did not do this prior to parking the bike. What gives? Should I worry?


Aug 7, 1999
mate, 2-strokes will smoke a bit until they're nice and hot - try taking it for a decent ride then see if it still smokes...


Sep 17, 2001
Thanks for the feedback. The ride is hopefully just around the corner. I've got a new (unsmashed) pipe on the way, and should be hitting the trail very soon. any other ideas would be appreciated also. ;)

125 rider

Sponsoring Member
Oct 1, 2000
What is the gas mixed at? What oil are you using? Most likely you will just have to take it for a hoot before it stops smoking.


Sep 17, 2001
93 octane pump mixed at 40:1 with Yamalube R. I'm all down for the ride it and blow that sucker out. Waiting on that pipe and a place to ride right now.


Sep 27, 2001
You may need to drop a couple sizes in your main jet. It's a cheap fix and one well worth the time to look in to. My 87 KDX 200 has never run better. Stock Mikuni was 300, I bought a 310 and a 320 just in case ($1.50 to $3.00) & tried the 320 first, that was it - it worked like a charm. 70 to 80% less smoke in 10 minutes!


Jul 3, 2001
My 98 220 also smoked quit a bit but I didnt want to re jet it because winter is fast approching and its gonna get colder anyways, so I switched to a BR8ES from a BR9ES. The hotter plug seemed to help quite a bit actually.


Sep 27, 2001
Good thinking. Winter does effect the way the bike runs quite a bit. I'll have to keep the spark plug thing in the back of my mind for future use, a guy at my cycle shop was saying it's not good to run different spark plug #'s. Don't know why.


Oct 4, 2001
I have a '90 KDX200 that smokes way too much also. I'm running a 40:1 PJ-1 Gold premix. My bike has 1) air-box lid removed, 2) fmf pipe with stock silencer 3) boyseen reeds (radvalve I think). I've leaned out the main from a 158 to a 155. Got a 48 pilot jet. Got a 1173N in the 2nd clip position ... everything according to the justkdx carb tuning pages and still it smokes. Oil even drips out of silencer???:eek: I've overhauled/cleaned the carb (haven't replaced the float needle; the local kawi dealer mechanic says mine looks fine). I never foul a plug and other than the smoke the bike runs great (no power loss). I'm almost at the point of giving up!!:confused: Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Darryl K

Oct 10, 2001
I run Yamalube at 40:1 and it smokes like it's got a murder case! I was on the phone earlier this morning with Freddette's and the dude on the phone mentioned that it was a common trait of the Yamalube to produce excessive smoke. BTW: To all the guys that offered help on my pipe delima, thanks, I just ordered one from Freddettes (Rev pipe w/ torque spacer ) and went one size smaller on the main and dropped two sizes on the pilot. When I get everything bolted up I'll let everone know how she runs!:p
BTW BTW: While on the phone with the good folks at Freddette's I learned they have a pretty good selection of used pipes currently for $75-$100, if anyones looking for one right now.


Jul 3, 2001
Originally posted by dsmith
Good thinking. Winter does effect the way the bike runs quite a bit. I'll have to keep the spark plug thing in the back of my mind for future use, a guy at my cycle shop was saying it's not good to run different spark plug #'s. Don't know why.

I dont think it matters what heat range plug that you use, as long as it is gapped correctly. 35 thou for a 220 I think, not sure.:think
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