Maybe a new story?


Jan 31, 2008
Hey guys and girls,
just got done reading the fine story written here and came up with an idea. I was thinking I would start a story and someone else would add to it. Then, when that person was finished another person could add more. What do you all think? If noone really likes this then I will try and write the whole thing. Got some pretty big shoes to fill, no? Tell me what you think.


Feb 13, 2007
sparkysakitas said:
quilting :laugh:


I was thinking more along the lines of basket weaving. :yell:

But, if we each get to have our own part, I guess that can be a possibility. ;)


Jan 31, 2008
Here goes!!!

Chapter 1
Justin had to adjust his eyes after he jumped off the grey hound bus from pensicola florida. He was in a one horse town called eli tennesse. All of the people looked at him funny because of the way he dressed. He couldn't help the fact that these people were way behind when it came to style. He walked over to the waiting area thinking to himself "Why did you promised to do this". His dad was in the army and had been deployed to Iraq. When he left he made justin promise to stay with his dad for the summer. " I want you to go see your grampa while I'm gone" remarked Col. Smith. "ok" huffed justin. "is that a promise" his dad asked " Yes sir" justin replied.
Justin's thoughts were broken when he heard "Hey kiddo!" It was his grandpa! "hi granpa" justin quipped. " You ready or you like sittin' in this heat?" Grampa asked. "lets roll" justin said. They walked over to justin's grampa's truck. It had to have been 100 years old. It was pumpkin orange with rust spots all over it. No air conditioning and only a AM radio.
"Dang Grampa when you going to get a new truck? Just asked
"well, Old Lizzy here, she's taken me anywhere I want, she never let me down, and I think she's pretty good looking for her age" Grampa explained.
"Sounds like you need a girlfreind grampa" Justin said laughing
They rode off listening to some old country music.
I lost connection when writing. I started writing and saving it in word. Does anyone want to volunteer to proofread the rest and post it for me? or proofread it and explain how to post it back from word. Thanks!
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Jan 31, 2008
Tell me how I can get it to you. I can email it to you. Here's my email I'll send it to you. Thanks hope you like it so far.


Jan 31, 2008
Got it, thanks again. OK, guys/gals when DB_F gets time he will have it ready. Hope everyone likes it.
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