KTM Mike

Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 9, 2001
Hi all - i to survived my first national - dont even know what place i got or total points as i had to leave before things were tallied up. But - you know - i really dont care how i did - it was enough for me to simply have made it to the race - survived it in better shape (i think) than previous races! I am actually less sore and beat and tired feeling after this one than i have been on any of the others I have done this year. My goal still continues to be to finish every event I enter - give me a couple years before I start to worry about how well i place!

Almost did not make it - my truck broke down in Wolverine on the way to the race -about 6:30 am. Long story - but i flagged down another racer (never got his last name - but first name was Steve on a KTM380 B class on minute 61) who kindly let me and my riding partner load our two bikes, all our stuff on his trailer/truck - took us to the race, his brother Scott(?) ran gas for us, then they took us back to our truck when we were done. Now - that is a great example of the great spirt of enduro racing! Thanks guys! I certainly will pass on that favor if i see some other racer stranded on the way to a race.

Boy - Fatherandson - early on you commented about lots of roots and logs - you sure were right! that first section was a nasty one in my book. I must admit - my head sure was not screwed on straight early on - kept thinking about how I was going to get my truck fixed in Wolverine on a Sunday afternoon. A $170 tow bill solved that finally! I dropped lots of points early on - endless stupid bobbles - seemed I stalled my bike about once every 10 minutes - never really crashed, but a couple time dropped the bike while basically standing still while hung up on a log or something. I then finally got focused and started having more fun. I saw fatherandson at last check - but guess i was to tired to let you know it was me - sorry about that.

Great event - i will likely do it again - but boy i would hate that one if it were raining - talk about slippery stuff!


Mar 30, 2000
ssuperbike I was the guy on the wr426. Let me guess you had Eric Gorr do a top end job on your bike.I have to get a DRN sticker on my bike. I am glad that everyone one had a good time. See you in 2 weeeks.ssuperbike I use to work at Owosso Speedway every weekend as head of the Safety Team. I had to give it up so that I had time to ride
Big Jim
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Dec 5, 2000
Yep, that was I! I dropped 58 points. I really lost time on the 2nd section when I went over the bars (23 min.). I guess that is what keeps you going back, knowing you can do better. The YZ first gear was a bit much for snaking in the really tight parts. How did you guys do? I just wish I had a way to practice the tight stuff. I was affraid I would burn myself out to early. I should have poured it on a little harder. I broke my radiator and pipe hitting a tree in 3rd coming off a log. The radiator is off to get fixed and FMF said they will warranty the pipe. The golf ball size lump has gone down on my arm. If all goes well I will make it to the upland enduro. If not I will be at Rose city. I had the time of my life. jrccc how is the wr in the tight stuff? how does first/second gear wok in the tight stuff?---------Mike
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