Michelle's Visit & extracurricular activities


Aug 13, 1999
Okay, since Karl, Firecracker & I can't make it to the Oregon School due to a previous commitment (yes, firecracker & I should both be committed for agreeing to follow Karl on any ride!) we have waylaid Michelle into coming over to the East side - MICA (or thereabouts).

The plan is to camp/ride around the Spokane area the weekend of June 21-22. The actual location has not been determined because I want to see who is interested in joining us and what areas should be open for riding by then. I think everything should be great by the 21st since we didn’t have much snow this winter. We will have reports by the end of May so plenty of time to nail down a location :yeehaw: .

Also, we are trying to arrange a road trip for Michelle from Medford to Spokane. I was thinking she could hop a ride from the school to Portland with the Portland attendees. Then hop a ride either to Seattle then Spokane or directly from Portland to Spokane.

The drive is so cool that I would hate to have her miss it. If we can’t arrange a road trip I will just have to fly her over here or maybe we’ll just have to come pick her up in Portland or Seattle!

So, who wants to come ride over here the weekend of June 21-22? And who can volunteer to run a leg of the Michelle Express from Medford to Spokane?


Apr 15, 2003
Hey gals, new to this site. I would be interested in comeing over to Spokane and also being one leg of Michelle's road trip. Is this for gal's only or are significant others invited? I should also be able to confirm for sure by the end of May. Would that be enough time for you?



May 23, 2002
My wife, Marissa, and and our kids will be at Ellen's for the school. We live in Renton (about 10 miles south east of Seattle). We'll be taking our toy hauler down, so we will have plenty of room to bring her this far. We plan to come back up on Tuesday after the school. We could give her a ride back up this far.

If no one can make it over here to pick her up we can get her to SeaTac airport so she can fly over. We live about 5 miles from SeaTac. Usually tickets are pretty cheap to Spokane ($59 on Southwest) if they are bought a couple of weeks in advance.

We will be down at Ellen's on Wenesday for the rest of the week to ride. (we go down there pretty often.)

You can contact me offline at bailey34@worldnet.att.net

Thanks, Bryan.


Aug 13, 1999
Kimberly welcome to the site! Nope, it isn't just for women everyone is invited. Bring your SO, kids or anyone else you want. Our kids will be joining us too.

End of May is plenty of time to let us know. When would you be coming over, just for the weekend or earlier?

Thanks for the offer Bryan, that would work great. From Seattle, Michelle could fly over here or if she wants to sightsee the mountains between I could fly over there, rent a car & drive back I'm sure there are some projects I need to check out between Seattle & Spokane!

Speedy, let us know if you can make it down here.

The number of people that plan on attending will also determine where we go but wherever we go there will be trails for all skill levels. There most likely won't be any MX tracks though at the camp area - if you look at my photo album in the Mica, Saltese, Wallace album you will see the typical riding we do. Woods and more woods. We hit the more technical areas but we also find trails for our girls (8yo & 10 yo) to ride (my son goes whereever we go and usually does it better than I do!).

Hey Michelle, we're talking about you! :eek: :)


Mar 9, 2003
I would love to be there that weekend! Let me check with the hubby and see if he would mind. That would be 2 long drives back to back.

I am from Portland. Depending on the final game plan I would be more than willing to chauffer her to Spokane from Portland. The Gorge is such a beautiful drive, I would hate to see her miss out. :)


Jan 17, 2001
Damn!!! I wish I could join you guys! It would be great to meet everyone and Michelle, but I can't swing it this year. Just be sure to take lots of pictures so the rest of us slugs can see how much fun you had!!


Apr 15, 2003
At this time I'm not sure if I would be coming for the weekend only. It will depend on if my husband will be home and able to come. I would be happy to pick Michelle up in Seattle but I'm not sure when she's going to want to get to Spokane. My husband and I just drove thru the Gorge and it is really beautiful. Michelle might really enjoy that ride. Thanks for the welcome, it will be fun to check out your site!


Sponsoring Member
Oct 26, 1999
Bbbom, I've been watching (sort of, haven't had a chance to be online much lately, what with riding & work - thankfully more riding than work lately lol).

Basically, I'm a disorganised piece of work who's so used to plans falling through I've given up on them ;) However, I know I do have to get semi-organised with plans. It's just so confusing for me (definitely not hard) & as I don't want to encroach on anyone's space, it makes it harder. That's a large part of the reason I don't like racing, I hate getting in people's way (don't ever tell that to the people I work with, I'm so in-your-face with them - wierd, definitely a different person there).

I just want to meet everyone and come home raving about it all so that Henk gets all jealous & decides he really wants to come over for a Reno ride in a couple of years. I've been totally blown away by everyone & everything and just think, I'm going to meet so many of you in about six weeks thanks to Aimee & everyone else (who I'll never, ever be able to repay for everything).

If anyone would like something from over here (within reason, sorry motorcycles just aren't feasible lol), please let me know.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
If you're coming all this way, why not just make a quick little run over here to Texas? :) Lots of good riding down here as well.

Sounds like you've got a pretty cool trip planned. Can't wait to hear how it turns out.


Dec 17, 2002

Although I am coming to the Riding School, I am sorry that I won't be able to join in any other activities while you're here. I'm looking forward to meeting you, and all the other ladies on this site at the school. I am so excited about it .. . I can't believe we still have 6 weeks to go!!

Anyway, I'm really excited that you're coming all this way, and whatever the rest of your trip entails, I hope you make the most of it!!



Aug 13, 1999
Michelle, you don't need to organize anything, we'll take care of it and none of it has to be too organized anyways.

As long as you get on the plane from NZ on time just kick back & relax! We'll have something set up soon to get you over here to meet some more people after Ride School. Between the ride school attendees and other west coasters I know we will get you over here, if that fails we'll fly you from Seattle or Portland to Spokane.

We will get it all worked out for you and don't worry, Henk will be ready to come over next time! We will make sure of it!!! :thumb:


Mar 9, 2003
I would really love to drive her across the northwest! It's such a beautiful part of this country. I hope it works out.


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Bbbom, what’s your e-mail address?

8 days and Michelle will be on a plane!! I bet she’s freaking out. ;)

Michelle, I forgot to ask, have you ever been to the states before?
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