Mar 1, 2001
Hey Folks,

To get back on topic here for a minute.

I had an interesting discussion with my KTM dealer yesterday. He indicated that there ARE plans for both and 80cc and 100cc line.

He's pretty plugged in so I have to belive that he's gotten his info from a reliable source.

So...there just might be hope.

Take care


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
That's good news. It's hard to imagine that with all their activity in the US that KTM hasn't been aware of the lack (and need) of a 80-100cc competitive bike. It may be just that being a smaller company they have limited capital for R&D of these bikes, and concentrated on competing in the 4-stroke market first. Now that they have those pretty much dialed in, they can work on filling in some of the gaps in their line.


Posts Too Much
Nov 14, 2000
Kali is right. A 100E/XC or M/XC would be SO Trick and nice. I have heard that The 80Sx is making a come back. Dunno about the 100 but They are killing kawi with the 65, and 125 as well as the thumpers. Heck Kawi don't make any mx thumpers. I don't doubt the 100 to beat the kx100. Can't wait to ride one. Kali will be able to dump that Blue piece o junk! :p :p I hate yamaha sorry. ;)


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
I was gonna chime in on the other thread but Patman did the fatherly thing and broke things up.

Remember KTM makes Race bikes not Recreational bikes. The TTR's are not race bikes they are play bikes. Can they me raced? Yes.

KTM is way behind the power curve in the MX 80 department and Im sure they will have one in the next few years. Until then they will lose customers each year that are moving from 60's to 80's. As for them having a 80 class legal 4-stroke I dont see it happening for a while, if ever. Right now its a niche market, and better left to the mass producing Japanese mfg's. I think KTM has a full plate right now.

As a fan of KTM I just as soon see them add an 80, a 250 RFS and keep prgressing with their race bikes and leave the Rec. bikes for the inferior companies to make along with their guitars, stereo equipment generators, lawn mowers and cars.

Although I could be way off maybe its in KTM's longterm plans as part of their Dirt Bike takeover to make a killer play bike. Imagine if KTM did make a TTR125 type bike it would be kick arse and everyone would be saying what a pile the Yamaha is..........................


Jun 12, 2000
Agreed 380

KTM being a smaller company they have limited people for these projects.

At last years dealer meeting a few local dealers were entertained with the suggestion of the 85/105 RFS versions. But we did see the LC50 for the USA.

Don't forget that KTM has invested big into the Vtwin this allows them a future in the vertical European street market :scream:.

I too am hoping for a 85/100 KTM. As I would love to sell the 2 RM80s. You need 2 to keep racing every week :D



Jul 21, 1999
Originally posted by ironmtn_racing
I had an interesting discussion with my KTM dealer yesterday. He indicated that there ARE plans for both and 80cc and 100cc line.

He's pretty plugged in so I have to belive that he's gotten his info from a reliable source.

I hope he's right. I've heard this for at least 2 years now from my local KTM dealer, though.
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