Moab 2006

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
I have already shot an eblast at a group of folks that expressed interest last year, but I wanted to make the "official" announcement that Gene (tx246) and I are planning a return visit to Moab the 11th through the 15th of May this year. We will use the 10th and the 16th as travel days.

This will be our third visit and we will be staying at Canyonlands Campgrounds in the heart of Moab. They have cabins available that are very reasonable and toilets and showers are a short fifty foot walk.

We will be taking our DS and dirtbikes and plan among other treks to ride the White Rim Trail (120 miles between gas stops) in Canyonlands National Park. This is a DS ride and anyone with a plated bike is welcome to join us.

There are plenty of opportunities to ride that don't require plated bikes and the trails vary from beginner to "trails" expert level. We can find a trail for all experience levels.

If you are interested in joining us for all or part of the adventure, post up and I will add you to the eblast.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Tony!! I am planning to travel to Moab with the South Bay Area Riders group May 6-14, so I hope that our paths will cross at one point! Rocky Roads and I are travelling together with our two KTM400's and a high expectation of having a great time, meeting some new people and checking out all the fuss about Moab! We'll be staying at the cabins you mentioned. Can't wait! tx426, I'm really looking forward to meeting you! :nod:


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Looking forward to it, Tony! :cool:
So 5/11 through 5/15 is now official?


Apr 11, 2001
Doubt we could make it, although in the event I can talk Jr. into it, which days would be non-plate rides, Tony?

Natalie: same Q for the Bay Area group, pls?

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
LoriKTM said:
Looking forward to it, Tony! :cool:
So 5/11 through 5/15 is now official?

Yes, Moab is real crowded on holiday weekends. We need to get a headcount and tie up some cabins.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
placelast said:
Doubt we could make it, although in the event I can talk Jr. into it, which days would be non-plate rides, Tony?

Natalie: same Q for the Bay Area group, pls?

There will be a non plated ride every day. At this point the headcount is about 8 folks. Gene and I are the only ones that I know of that have plated bikes, but we will be sure to plan a ride for everyone else the day we do the White Rim Trail Loop.

We will likely do that loop on a weekday as well because of the potential for traffic during the weekends, not that the White Rim will ever see a traffic jamb.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Placelast, that's a good question. Most of the Bay Area Rider's group are Street bike riders first and foremost and dirtbikers second. I'm just now getting to know this group. I would imagine most of them are going to have dualsported bikes. I will pose the question to them as I am not a dual plated rider myself.


Jul 11, 2001
Tony, I just might be able to swing it, for part of the week. I have to take my boys to New Mexico to ride Orogrande, but we could do that for a day or two then head up to Moab to hook up with you guys. I'll have to talk it over with the boys, but it's a possibility.


Jul 11, 2001
OK, Tony and Gene, et al. That's exactly what we're going to do. My three boys and I will drive to New Mexico, ride the Red Sands and Cloudcroft a couple of days, then head up to Moab to hook up with y'all. We'll be in Moab the 11th, ride Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and head home Saturday afternoon. My nephew and a friend may even join us from Southern Cal. So there will be at least four of us, and possibly six. Who knows, maybe I can talk my doctor friend, Rick, into coming as well, with one or two of his sons. But I'm a definite go, along with three or four more. So tell me more about cabins, etc. You can send the stuff to my email, which you already have, I believe. If not, call me at (214) 437-9187. I'm stoked about this. I've wanted to do Moab for so long, even if I have to put up with you and Gene. A little bit of that guy goes a long way, you know what I mean? Hope he's not listening. Anyway, this will be amazing. I'll bring my helmet cam, we'll barbecue lots of dead animal flesh, and we'll ride the Five Miles of Hell. As Howard Dean said, "Yeeeeaaaaarrrrrrggggghhhh!"


Mar 18, 2002
i'll be out there probably the 10-11-12. might be fun to hook up for beers at the brewery or sumpin.

5moh is about 1:15 driving time from moab, so this trip i'll probably stick to the easy stuff, pritchett, golden spike, maybe a 90 mile or so loop up to white wash, sovereign trail.

i think me and my friend will be camping at big mesa (dubinky well road and hwy 313).



Jul 11, 2001
I'll have some less experienced riders with me, so I might not be able to get to the FMOH either. I don't care; as long as I'm riding Moab.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002

I will shoot you the info I have. What days do you expect to be there in Moab?


It would be great if we could hook up at some point. I'm definitely in for the Brewery.

We are having a bit of a problem with places to stay, but we are still looking.


Jul 11, 2001
Tony, we'll get there on the 10th or early the 11th. We'll ride with you guys Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. We could camp out if needed, but I'd rather have a cabin. Looking forward to it so much, my belly button keeps puckering and un-puckering.


Jul 11, 2001
The plan now is to get there Saturday the 13th, but we're definitely going. Gonna tear up some tires and plastic, skin up our knees and elbows, and say some cuss words along to way to having a great time.


May 8, 2001

dont worry about the riding. there will be plenty of people of all skills. you can do the hard stuff and if the boys want something different, there will always be a group riding at their skill level. as soon as we get definites and a vehicle count, i will start on an trails. trust me there is nothing like the kiamichi 1 mile of hell. dont get me wrong, there are problem spots that are easier to hand the bike up than actually ride but 96% of the riding is no problem.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002

When are you planning on departing Moab? Are you riding on Monday?

I have reservations for 3 cabins at Moab Valey RV Park and Tim has one at Canyonlands. I need to adjust the days on the cabins I suspect. I will get a matrix worked out as soon as I get a Toyota Dealership off for review (hopefully the first thing in the morning).

The trip head count has grown significantly in the last week and we are now up to about 20~25 counting everyone that I have been sending emails to. CJ and Will are camping, but the rest are with us or at Canyonlands.

Mark and Natty are going to be there as well. Mark is camping and I am not sure where Natty is. The Bay Area bunch are at the KOA and a motel at the south end of town.


Sponsoring Member
Aug 28, 2003
Hi, Tony!
Just wanted to check in and be counted as part of the group that is "definitely" going. Natalie mentioned above that I will be traveling to Moab May 6-14 (driving from California) with the South Bay Riders group. I have a plated '05 KTM 400 EXC and anticipate some "epic" rides! I've never been to Moab before. I have reservations for a cabin at the Moab KOA. I look forward to meeting you and the the rest of the DRN gang. :cool:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
RockyRoads said:
I have a plated '05 KTM 400 EXC and anticipate some "epic" rides! I've never been to Moab before.

If you are up for it on Saturday the 13th, we are riding the White Rim Trail. It is 124 miles from gas stop to gas stop, but is mostly two track roads. It loops around the Island in the Sky section of Canyonlands National Park

RockyRoads said:
I have reservations for a cabin at the Moab KOA. I look forward to meeting you and the the rest of the DRN gang. :cool:

We stayed at the KOA the first year we went. Nice place. I am looking forward to meeting all the West Coast crowd as well. Didn't you make Reno in '04? There were soooo many people there it is hard to remember.


Sponsoring Member
Aug 28, 2003
White rim trail on Saturday . . . hmmmmm . . . sounds enticing! I haven't quite decided when I am departing. Many from California are leaving Friday morning to drive to Fish Lake in Nevada for a day of riding on Saturday. I was contemplating staying in Moab on Friday and riding with your group. Do you have any long rides planned for Thursday or Friday? I may just have to stay Saturday and leave very early Sunday.

I was at Moonrocks in 2004 but only for a short ride before the majority of people arrived. I met Natalie last year in California at a women's ride that she organized. We've ridden together a few times this year. She is so fantastic! :aj:

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002

Stick around. White Rim will be worth it. LoriKTM and her husband, TA2240, XR650Rocketman, tx246 and I (at least) will be riding the loop.

We have not begun the process of laying out the days options as yet, but we usually had a long morning ride that stretched into the early afternoon followed by lunch and a short ride following lunch.

Kokopelli Trail is one option I want to look seriously at. At least the portion between Moab and Dewey Bridge anyway. That is where the majority of the grade change is on the ride. It is about 60~65 miles if I remember correctly and about 20 miles via slab back into town along the edge of the river.

Kane Creek is another loop we have talked about doing on the DS machines. I quit counting, but I know we crossed the creek at least 20 times.


Jul 11, 2001
Tony, we'll be arriving the evening or afternoon of Saturday the 13th. We'll ride Sunday, Monday, and maybe Tuesday morning before leaving for Cloudcroft and Orogrande. There will be at least five in my group, and I have two or three others thinking of coming (Seldon and Lust450). I'll take all the cabins I can get, and we'll camp when we have to.


Sponsoring Member
Aug 28, 2003
Hi, Tony!

The Moab trip is fast approaching! Just checking to see if you all are still planning on going. I head out May 6th, arriving May 7th.

The rest of the California group will be departing Moab on May 12th (Friday morning) to head to Fish Lake, Nevada. But I am going to hang around and continue riding at Moab on Friday and Saturday. I would like to do the White Rim Trail on Saturday with your group--and I may have a few new friends joining us from Colorado. Are you still planning on riding the White Rim on Saturday? Are you riding your bikes from the campground or trailering the bikes to the trailhead?

Do cell phones work in Moab?

I am really looking forward to riding some great trails! I have a good guidebook and a detailed map of the area.

Hopefully I will see you soon!

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002

We are still working out logistics, but we will probably be doing the White Rim on Friday or Saturday. Saturday works for me for sure, so I will push for it. FYI - The White Rim Trail requires that bikes be street legal (CJ says they stop people and check) so that will be a limiting factor for many.

Kokopelli is another option and we can ride from town to Dewey Bridge and trailer/ride back. That is 62 miles one way. The White Rim is 120 miles, gas station to gas station.

Cell phones kinda work there in Moab, but not too well (Cingular anyway). In any case, I will PM you my info so we can hook up.
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