Senior KX Rider

Super Power AssClown
Nov 9, 1999
FORT BENNING, Ga. (AP) - NFL player Pat Tillman made a living pushing his body to the limit, putting himself through grueling training and sweating it out in the summer heat. This year, he's doing it for the Army for a lot less money.

The 25-year-old starting safety for the Arizona Cardinals told coaches last year that he wanted to join the Rangers — the Army's elite infantry unit — and train with his younger brother, who enlisted with him.

Tillman turned down a three-year, $3.6 million contract with the Cardinals to make $18,000 per year for an uncertain future, since there is no guarantee he will make Ranger.

Basic training began Monday at Fort Benning.

"In Pat Tillman's view of the world, football is a part of it, but there are a lot of other things that are important to him," said Lyle Setencich, Tillman's linebacker coach at Arizona State University.

This is, after all, a player who last year turned down a $9 million, five-year offer from the Super Bowl champion St. Louis Rams so he could stay with the perennially losing Cardinals for less money.

Tillman has rejected all requests for an interview about his decision.

"He said there were personal reasons he didn't want to divulge to me, and I didn't press him on it," Cardinals coach Dave McGinnis said. "I respect his decision. I think it's honorable."

Others have questioned his sanity, but that is nothing new for Tillman, who used to meditate atop a 200-foot light tower above Arizona State's stadium.

"If you don't know Pat, then you would think he's crazy," said Phil Snow, who coached Tillman as Arizona State's defensive coordinator. "The planes flew so close to him that he could damn near reach out and touch them. He's just fearless."

Bored before the 2000 season, Tillman ran a marathon. After setting a Cardinals record with 224 tackles in 2000, he prepared for last year's training camp by competing in a 70.2-mile triathlon.

"You don't find guys that have that combination of being as bright and as tough as him," Snow said. "This guy could go live in a foxhole for a year by himself with no food."

Tillman's age might have been a factor in his decision — the cutoff for the Rangers is 28. Several of Tillman's friends believe the Sept. 11 attacks had an influence. Setencich attended Tillman's wedding in May and talked with him about the National Football League.

"He mentioned he might get out of it," Setencich said. "I asked him if he wanted to go to law school and he kind of smiled and said, `There are a lot of things I can do.'"

Tillman's goal will be difficult. Only 35 percent of all candidates get to wear the coveted black and gold Ranger tab. Physical fitness is key, but Army training is different from sports.

"Mental toughness separates those that drive on," said retired Ranger Capt. Todd Bearden. "When you take away somebody's sleep and somebody's food and push them to the limit, it changes the dynamics of everything

:cool: :cool:

I really admire this guy...Very Cool


YZ Joust

Master of Jackassery
Feb 21, 2002
Yep, I was impressed when I read the article this morning. I'll probably go out and get a Tillman jersey now. You really have to respect a guy that would give up his NFL career to serve the country. I'm sure much of his motivation stems from worrying about his brother in the Army, he probably just wants to keep an eye on him to make sure he's safe..... Funny, I'd do the same for my bro!!!! ;)


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Very cool. It takes a lot of guts to shuck off the life you know, for a life you don't know, just for the desire to do something new.

Good luck to Pat Tillman, and I hope the media follows this story, so we can see if he makes Ranger!


Looking for Mr. Right
Jun 28, 2002
Great story Senior KX. Thanks for the read.



A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Way to go Pat! Good Luck in Airborne School! Just remember most of it is a mind game! Been there done that! Again Kudos and good luck!!!!!! ;)


Jun 28, 2002
I believe that America was based on values and honor. It just seems that over the decades those origins have been misplaced by greed and money. It's really sad that a lot of things in this great country have been de-prioritized by society and it's search for the almighty dollar. I applaud his choice of fulfilling those original ideas of what this country was built on and what he is willing to sacrifice. I know I will feel safer with someone like that on the front lines protecting all. I hope he finds what he is searching for.


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Neither DEA.......He will go to the 501st training for Airborne school and then on to the 2nd Bat. of the 75th Ranger Regiment for his Ranger training.

The Screamin' Eagles are not Airborne any more. They are Air Asault, insertable via helacopter.
As for your double A rating of the 80 duece that is exactly how the patch came about, 2 A's for Duece. Granted you said you weren't kidding but it still isn't funny considering the 82nd is replacing the 101st in Assfrickinstan right now.
Last edited:


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
He sounds like one tough hombre'. Possibly an enduro rider in the making?


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
He makes it through Ranger school he will be more than that. He will be in the top 10 percent of the Special Ops operators in the world. Not only that he will have his choice of what he wants to do later on. That Ranger Tab means alot more than just a decoration. It's almost like a pedagree in some areas. If he decides to stay in the military he can go places. If not it shows on his res. that he isn't afraid to undergo stress and training for a job. Look at it like a gold star from teacher for what ever he wants to do.

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