
Alowishus Devadander
Nov 10, 1999
During the course of a two hour race I find that quite a while before my legs weaken it is my lower back burning that forces me to sit or endure a lot of pain through tight rough sections wear sitting isn’t an option ( my usual choice, until the last 30 minutes). It is the part right above the belt and is simply not strong enough. What sort of exercises will improve this? A part of the problem is being 6’3”, however I have fit my KX to my size and now I need to fit my strength to my ability. I have access to a gym with a total machine, a squat machine, bikes, treadmills, elliptical runners, and dumbells. I was told that improving my hamstring strength with hamstring curls would be helpful, perhaps stretching as well. Am I on the right track? JG? Rich?

PS I am incorporating this into a 3-4 day a week 1 hour training regime. My new job has a gym in the office for after work use.


May 20, 2001
I'm 6'4", and have that problem on bicycles, but not MX'in. One fast remedy might be to try and move around on the bike more. That is, when you move your butt back, hunch your back. Then, when you get on the tank, extend.

I wear out my quads first, and it's not strength that I'm lacking (I'm 220 lbs and squat about 375).

For a long term cure, I think you would first benefit from stretching (playing all kinds of ball and racquet games helps my mobility, too). For power, I like to do just plain hyperextensions (lay down on your stomach and lift arms and legs simultaneously for a simple version) and then deadlifts (stiff-legged for intense hamstring workout, normal for great overall strength) could help.

Take it easy on the deadlifts and make sure you maintain proper form if you haven't trained much with weights.


Dec 31, 1969
Another thought.... lower back pain can be from "weak" abs as well as hams... I can tell you from experience, working the abs helps my back A LOT.


Mar 15, 2001
Originally posted by Okiewan
Another thought.... lower back pain can be from "weak" abs as well as hams... I can tell you from experience, working the abs helps my back A LOT.

Dont rule that out... If you have weak hams and/or abs, they tire quickly and your back compensates for the lack of strength in the weaker muscles, therefore tiring it out faster. A weak back would do the opposite. I experienced this when I hurt my back. I couldnt use my back to do anything, so my abs and my legs did all the work. The result: noticeably stronger quads, hams, and abs, but weaker back.

An excercise you may want to do along with the others mentioned is to hang on a bar (pull up bars work nicely) and keep both legs to gether straight down, and then lift them both up untill your legs are parallel with the ground. This should work both your abs and your back.


Alowishus Devadander
Nov 10, 1999
Sounds good.

Psycho, Naaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! Had enough of that over the last few years.

As for the tips I think it is sounds like a matter of increasing all of my trunk muscles and upper leg muscles. More situps, more squats, more leg curls, and more pushups. When I played soccer we used to do 100+ leg lifts in a set with a partner shoving you legs down (extended) while you held his ankles for support. (We were sadistic to each other, full force on the push). Maybe I could start those up again.


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
Do everything I don't do!

Absolutely make sure the stomach is strong, as a 27 year rider with a worn out lower back. Smitty you know the next thing i am gonna tell ya.......RELAX .....time in and time out your muscle stress comes from tension not related to going fast on a motorcycle. Most all riders in one form or another "tense up" while they ride, it comes on slow but if riding long periods of time will bite ya. Concentrate while racing on you're breathing and actually think about if you are tense or not. Then relax. of course don't hit any trees ya have to stay awake!

Its one of the main reasons my outa shape, over weight, burger eatin, body still survives out there. Course haven't been out much this season.....hmmmm wonder if they want me to race my QUAD at that moderators race? Ha its electric shift ! :p


Alowishus Devadander
Nov 10, 1999
As far as being tense I don't think that is to big of an issue at this point. A few races ago I would have agreed since I have only raced 6 races in the expert class. However, I have relieved some of the pressure from myself by acclimating my brain to overall versus class position. Instead of trying to beat guys in the top 3 who turn 1-2 minute better laps I try to beat the guys who finish top five to ten. It's really helped so far with a 7th,5th, and 8th.

Back to the topic. I am fastest when standing on the majority of the course and I can stand for long periods of time (25-30 minutes) before my back wants a break (few minutes) just like your legs after two miles of sand whoops! Anyway, I'm heading for the gym tonight to start a habit and come back this fall to run top five and grab some money from these guys.

Oh yeah and my only goal for the season is a top 10 overall number (saves money on numbers ;) ). Sitting in 13th right now without a work average.

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