
N. Texas SP
May 1, 2001
Now that I think about it, I think I remember seeing somewhere that Muenster would be closed sometime this month. I hope its not this weekend. Has anyone checked?


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
If any of you guys want help doing your fork seals on your own, it's really quite easy. Let me know and I'll give you the link that I (hope) still have saved from the first time I did mine. The first time was intimidating, but after that it's simple as pie.
Feb 1, 2005
yzguy15 said:
If any of you guys want help doing your fork seals on your own, it's really quite easy. Let me know and I'll give you the link that I (hope) still have saved from the first time I did mine. The first time was intimidating, but after that it's simple as pie.

if you can find that link please post it up. I never thought about sliding anything under the seals to remove dirt/sand. thanks for the info. We are going to Rocky Ridge on Sunday...anybody else interested?


Sprayin tha game
N. Texas SP
Oct 27, 2000
Well if you have a small leak, you can pry the dust seal off and use a feeler guage to get out most of the dirt. You shouldn't need a picture for this, if you look at it, you'll realize what I'm talking about. Like somebody said, you'll need to take the fork protector off to go all the way around the fork. Start with the thinnest, and go in a few until it works right. The thinnest guages are so flimsy that they don't work well.

I was talking about actually changing the fork seals. Instead of paying the shop money to get it done (even though I noticed you go to SMS and Brian is a cool guy) you can do it yourself for the cost of parts. If you want, you can invest in a seal driver (like $75) or you can try to make your own. We actually got a seal driver, but it's only been used once. Now I have a KTM and the seal driver is too big for my forks. Anyhow, if you actually want to change the fork seals let me know and I'll try to dig up the instructions. If you go that route you can also learn how easy it is to adjust your oil height, which is something you can fiddle with more to get the bike to ride better.


N. Texas SP
Nov 7, 2001
That was fun guys. After being off the bike for over a month it felt good to get back out there. Nice to meet you Ryan. We'll do it again................


N. Texas SP
May 1, 2001
It was a good day. After I got home I tweaked the jetting on my bike. I haven't really messed with the jetting too much on this bike; I got the JD kit and put it in and it got a lot better so I left it. I just put his other needle in and it seems much crisper, more responsive, etc. No doubt now that I'll stick with this bike for a while. Amazing what a little piece of brass can do to a bike... :cool:
Feb 1, 2005
yzguy15 said:
Well if you have a small leak, you can pry the dust seal off and use a feeler guage to get out most of the dirt. You shouldn't need a picture for this, if you look at it, you'll realize what I'm talking about. Like somebody said, you'll need to take the fork protector off to go all the way around the fork. Start with the thinnest, and go in a few until it works right. The thinnest guages are so flimsy that they don't work well.

I was talking about actually changing the fork seals. Instead of paying the shop money to get it done (even though I noticed you go to SMS and Brian is a cool guy) you can do it yourself for the cost of parts. If you want, you can invest in a seal driver (like $75) or you can try to make your own. We actually got a seal driver, but it's only been used once. Now I have a KTM and the seal driver is too big for my forks. Anyhow, if you actually want to change the fork seals let me know and I'll try to dig up the instructions. If you go that route you can also learn how easy it is to adjust your oil height, which is something you can fiddle with more to get the bike to ride better.

I know that you were talking about the replacement. that is what i was really interested in. if you have that i would really like to see it ... thanks


Jul 5, 2001
If you search the web for instructions on how to rebuild forks, they will cover the seal replacement. It's very easy. I made a seal driver by cutting a piece of PVC in half lengthwise. Wear gloves if you use a home made one so you don't pinch your fingers. The whole thing is easier than you think.

Mudd Slinger

N. Texas SP
May 5, 2004
Fork Seal Cleaning - Training needed.

I had my bike up on a stand to take the pressure off the forks when I cleaned my fork seals with the film. I noticed some oil leaking more readily from one of the forks and not the other when I was moving the film around the seal area. The leaking stopped after I finished. Did I push the film too far past the seal too far or something or is that normal?

I took it for a short ride this weekend but the leaking stopped or I cannot see it due to the new seal savers. The leaking was barely noticeable before I did the cleaning on the seals. I just noticed a small accumulation of oil running down the inner fork surface (more than I ever noticed before).


Sep 1, 2004
Saturday was a great day.

My seals are reallllly leaking badly now. I don't think the film trick will work this time. I'm giong to give it one more shot before my trip to Nocona next weekend.


Feb 10, 2004
Ryan, after the mudfest from 2 weeks ago, I removed my seal savers, cleaned them and pulled the dust covers and cleaned the seals. So far no leaks, keeping fingers crossed. :)


Sep 1, 2004
I think I'm going to try that, Darron. When I did the film thing, I just slid it under the dust covers. I think there's still a ton of mud in there.

By the way, not only did our sloppy day result in leaky boingers, my bike squeaks like a 50 year old mattress, I completely toasted my rear brake pads (down to the metal backing), and "seized" my kick starter. It took two hands to get it pulled out to kick the bike over at the end of the day.

That real muddy stuff is kinda fun, but it sure manages to destroy equipment. It's looking like it's supposed to rain this week... :)
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