I'll be there Saturday, with Scott. I might be riding a YZ (yikes!) unless I can get the 400 back together in time. Need to do the auto-decompressor stop bolt update. It's an orange thing, you wouldn't understand.
JMD, what do you mean. On the KTM it is all orange. Just sqeeze with your kneeze and you get a orange juicer
I wish I could go. I think I may have the weekend off. I need to go to my brothers in Austin on Sunday. Saturday is a wash your truck to find it day. I am hoping to get next weekend off for the WORC races.
I'm putting a new top end in the two-fitty this weekend, but we plan on riding next saturday(10/30). I'm not sure if I'm going to ride the enduro or not, we'll see.
Stan, Scott and I might be out at Muenster Saturday. Or I might go to Draper with Gene. Or maybe to the Kiamichi with Roger and Harley. It kind of depends of a lot of things. I also semi-promised a newbie friend of mine that I'd take him out the next time I go, so I may have to do that Saturday. It's all up in the air. If I do take the newbie out, it will be Muenster. So I'm a definite maybe.
Yeah, though we can go to Gilmer or the Kiamichi. You missed a fun day Saturday; it was just muddy enough to be fun, and it dried out considerably by afternoon. Scott rode very well in his first mud ride, even on the YZ, which isn't as forgiving as the thumper. He rode almost everything on the enduro trail, except those really tough new sections.
Man, I'm jealous. I wish I could go to the Red River Enduro. I'm coming home from Austin this coming weekend for WORCS/TORO and then 2 weeks after that for TORO at Muenster. Three weekends in a row would be pushing it since I don't have a car down here and rely on the little lady to come back with me in her truck. Not to mention that our anniversary is this week, and she's "letting" me put it off till the following weekend so we can go home for the TORO/WORCS race this weekend. Looks like I'll have to miss the Red River Enduro once again... *sigh*
Don't get me wrong. It looks like a really exciting course, with lots of great new sections and a lot of my favorite old sections revived. I think it's a real gem, and I really would like to ride it. I know I'm not in shape to do it, but maybe I will anyway.
Don't forget, if the enduro is not your cup of tea, the TORO race at Muenster will be the following weekend. We'll be there for sure, should prove to be a great course. Really excited about this one, since the one at Muenster last year snowed out!
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