
Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
I wouldn't say bad. Keep practicing. A better recording will help A LOT--it's kinda hard to hear what you're singing. Good luck to ya, being in a band was one of the things I always wanted to do.

BTW this should have gone in the Off Topic forum--they'll probably move it.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Definately the recording quality is an issue. Keep plugging away and getting to know people, then try to get a short bit of time in a studio to make a decent quality recording. My brother inlaw tried to make a go of it with music and it's a brutal grind in an industry here everyone thinks your the next big thing as long as you can front them 5-8K to get a run of cd's made to get "out there" Good Luck, give it your best shot :thumb:


Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 26, 2002
Well, you're better than I can say MY band ever got. After we graduated from high school and all went on to college we kinda ran out of time to get together. We still try every now and then just to have some fun, but we're not quite as good as we used to be. We all still play our instruments, we just don't get together. It's a real bummer :ugg:

Anyway, on to your stuff...I like the guitar work on those songs. The leads are catchy and the rhythm is energetic. I like the bass tones. The drums are cool, heck, it's all pretty good! Keep at it!

Oh, by the way, we recorded ourselves, too. My buddy had a cheapo tape recorder with a crappy mic. Anyway we set it up, cranked up our guitars and recorded some stuff. We were really proud of it even though the drums sounded like pots and pans and the vocals But, it was still fun!
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I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
Here is my tip. Don't post a song if you think it is bad. You obviously have a computer. Go to Bess Buy or and spend $50 bucks on Guitar Tracks. You can only record 2 tracks at a time but you can get a really good recording. I have not listened to the song because I have no speakers at work and my home PC is down for a few days. When I get it back online I will check it out and give you more advice if you want it. But my main thing is that if the recording sucks, you suck. Even if your band is great, people hear what they hear and if they hear a bad recording, they hear a bad band. Keep toolin' away on it though man!


Jul 3, 2001
I actually thought it was quite good. I play drums and used to play in a band, and know how hard it is to make good music. That is a very good start in my opinion. Keep at it for sure!

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
It's obvious you guys can play well, write and assemble songs. It's also great that you are recording, even though it's crude, but I do agree with the other post that I wouldn't put it anywhere for anyone to hear untill your material is ready. Remember, you only get one shot at a first impression so ask yourself if what you have is what you want people to think of your musicianship.

I would continue to do the "home recordings" untill you get the funds for a proper demo, it'll help you be prepared. When you get into the studio you can burn a lot of cash real fast if you're not prepared. The best way to prepare is to do exactly what you're doing, reherse and work out every detail in advance and lay it out on tape but keep those recordings for your own ears. A bit of advise when you do get into the studio, be prepared for the engineer to say "that's was perfect, now do it again exactly like you just did so I can double it!" Know in advance exactly how every lick on the guitar is played so you can duplicate it. The studio is no place to figure that out but the garage is so keep up the good work, you're headed in the right direction.

btw, we knew exactly what we were doing and it still cost us over 15 grand @ $65. per hour and free setup time.
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I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
Jeff, you shoulda spent that money on building your own studio! That is what I did. Then the rain came. Now I start again. Actually it is not that bad.

But as I said before, getting a great recording at home is not hard. And with this wonderful resource we have at our fingertips (the internet) it is even easier. Go to They have a great forum with lots of smart folks just like here. It is my DRN for recording.


Jun 23, 2002
I thought that was awesome! I would definitely buy a C.D., hell, I'd probably even buy a cassette tape, that is, once the recording gets a little better. Keep at it and get some copies goin'.
THANX :thumb:


Oct 5, 2001
Good start! some advice would be to go to and learn every thing that you possibly can about recording,writing and publicity, it will help you out more than you think.

if you have a computer, a good idea would be buying a delta 44 card (or any m-audio card, i have a delta 1010)and using a software based recording program to make any future demo's, you'll also need a cheap mixer like a 6 channel behringer or somthing.(around 100.00)

good work.


I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
Careful Zook, if those guys hear about you pimping behringer, they might have you lynched!

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
thunder33 said:
Jeff, you shoulda spent that money on building your own studio! That is what I did.
I am in the process of doing just that now. We have material for about 3 more CD's but we need to get a new song out ASAP and if all works out right the investors will end up paying for the equipment and we record it ourselves. When it is done the equipment will be paid for & the investors will have thier product. Everyone wins. :thumb:

We had our reasons for not doing it the last time we recorded but I can't remember now what that was :clue:


Oct 5, 2001
Did i say Behringer? what i was supposed to say was a neve console (in that case better sell all of your motcross bikes and gear also.If you have a house, the though of second mortgage comes to mind.)


I come and go
Aug 7, 2001
Hey now, I use Berhinger. I don't mention that to many people. Especially there. I love mine. I could use more buss sends but I survive.


Oct 5, 2001
Jeff, just a bit of a warning, home recording is almost as addictive as motocross,only you can record 24 hrs of the day and in any weather condition.
i started to record because we cut a cd that i was really not happy with and the engineer was very hard to work with. (probably because of our inexperience. not his) anyway since then i have gone through many computer upgrades 20 or so dynamic microphones and even some tube microphones waves plugs, wavelab 4, cubase sx, dual 19" monitor set up , 1010lt sound card( now i need another so that i can record 16 tracks at once) cables, patchbays, 24 channel board ,yorkville ysmi monitors, room treatment , bass traps, control room and on and on and on . it will never end.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
ZOOK250 said:
Jeff, just a bit of a warning, home recording is almost as addictive as motocross, ................... it will never end.
I know, I was doing music 20 years before the thought of moto ever came to mind. I've been really hesitant to get into any type of recording because I find it hard to say no to anyone and I know a lot of people that play music. If I find myself with a bunch of recording stuff I have a fear that I will make "new friends" and spend too much time working on other peoples projects. I can't play enough intruments that I can adquately lay down all the tracks and as long as it takes to do that kind of stuff I think I'd be better off learning to play all the instruments than rely on other musicians. I've always been more into live production, preferrably FOH console, but I got tired of the BS that goes with it.

The biggest difference between music & moto is you don't need any particular person or group of people to show up when it's time to practice moto, anyone will do & they don't have to learn the material. If they have poor equipment (moto wise) it's all the better for me unlike in music. :thumb:

Reguardless of which one out does the other, like you said "It will never end!"


Apr 17, 2003
I guess its safe since chessrock, noisedude and blue bear arnt here, to admit that i to am a closet behringer user. i have a eurodesk 2442mx and have never had a single problem with it. i also have a ha4600 headphone amp that cant be beat for the price.shhhh dont tell them. (actually i had a mackie 1604, and i like the behringer better.)

i am having a problem with my password , so at home i am ZOOK125 at work i am ZOOK250.
Feb 19, 2004
Oh my gosh! I loved it! Actually I love the name too. Your guitarist kicks butt! The vocals are alittle hard to hear true, but hey, not much worse than NFG on some of their covers. Keep it up, I can picture you rockin' out on MTV someday!! :thumb:


Sep 27, 2004
I thought it was pretty good. I would like to hear a better recording though. I have very unique music tastes. In my car right now you will find George Strait, Merle Haggard, Blink 182, Good Charolette, and some Pogues. Keep up the good work.

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