
May 23, 2000
I've had this for exactly a year today, but I don't think I've ever shown a picture here before. On September 12, 2002, after watching the footage of the one year anniversary, I felt like I needed to do something like this. I have a few tattoos and only get them done when I find something that means the world to me (ie, my kid's initials). I learned all about being a patriot from my dad.

The Saturday after I had this done I met with my dad and showed him what I did. He smiled and lifted his sleeve. He had done a tattoo of an American flag and the words, "9/11/01 Never forget, never forgive." He did it the same day I did mine, but neither of us had talked to the other about doing it beforehand.

Anyway, just thought I'd show you guys how I keep that day, and the memory of those people with me forever. (Please, no jokes about the freckles or lack of muscle tissue! ;) )


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Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Nice to see the tribute.

I've been wanting to do a tribute for 10 years but 2 years ago 9-11 took a different meaning.

My Grandfather on my dad's side died Sept. 11, 1993. He is the one man I completely respected and hope that I can grow up to be at least half the man he was. I've always wanted to show my respect for him and then after 2001 it took on even more of a meaning.

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