Nov 13, 1999
I oppose H.R. 822 because the land that would become Wild Sky Wilderness does not meet the criteria traditionally required to restrict my access to public land with the "Wilderness" designation.

Wild Sky "lowers the bar" for wilderness and will set the precedent for locking down millions of acres of public land in other locations.

U S Forest Service policy does not permit the agency to include roaded and harvested areas within wilderness proposals. Within the boundaries of the proposed "Wild Sky Wilderness" there are 23.45 miles of inventoried roads. There are approximately 6,600 acres that are logged within the boundaries of the proposed wilderness. Stands of trees, which were initiated since 1970, total about 1,150 acres. There are several man made structures within the boundaries that would be destroyed.

Any one of these features would normally disqualify this land for the Wilderness restrictions. This Bill will set a dangerous precedent for future lock downs of public land.

NO. Do not designate this land as Wilderness.


Jul 3, 2002
traditionally required to restrict my access to public land with the "Wilderness" designation.

Not just traditionally required, but legally required. The Wilderness Act of (1964?) spells it out.

How could this be?

Ask Senator Murray. She has rarely, if ever lets laws get in her way. Just ask her staff. I have and that how they have explained some of her earlier transgressions. She moves her agenda forward and then lets the court system attempt to straighten it out. Works good for her. Court cases can be appealed almost forever by federal attorneys with limitless bugets.

Our taxes pay them and our clubs pay to fight them. :bang:

Please contact your U.S. Representative and Senator!


May 17, 2001
A week or so ago, I saw an article in the paper that talked about the wilderness proposal, and that it was having trouble passing or was "stuck" somehow because one of our congressmen drug his feet? I didn't get to read the whole article, but it sounded good for us.



Jul 3, 2002
I just got an email from Congressman Pombo's staff stating that the Wild Sky Wilderness legislation has been withdrawn from his committee's consideration!
:yeehaw: :yeehaw:

It'll be back before Congress in some form next year, but for now it's time for everyone that did their part to slow this down to give themselves a pat on the back.

Thanks :worship:
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