
Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
The weekend was looking like it would shape up to be a great one. I was taking Friday off to ride with Paddy and MikeB and everything was falling into place. Long story short, here is what I did Friday afternoon:


Link #2

Link #3

All was not lost as we had a great BBQ and then I planned to just take Aimee's bike out for our Saturday ride. I should mention that her 200mxc is a bit different to ride than my 400. Aimee's bike made it through the day ok but only after viciously attacking me from the very top of a hill most of the way down. Not sure what I did to the left shoulder but its most likely a torn rotator cuff or a shoulder separation, leaving town this morning for a week so hopefully the Doc will tell me more next weekend. At least I probably have plenty of time to fix the bike :)

Hope you all faired better!


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
I knew that bike of yours made a lot of power, but it ripped the hub apart. Must have been the new clutch :)

Too bad you couldn't ride it this weekend, but more importantly....I hope you can find a new hub at a good price.


Jan 27, 2000
MrLuckey At least I probably have plenty of time to fix the bike :) QUOTE said:
:yikes: Yikes! Eddog, who does the maintainence on that bike? :ohmy: I'd fire that guy. ;)

Hope your shoulder is ok :cool: .



Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Well, it looks even worse than you described on the phone! Pretty nasty. I'm keeping my eyes open for a good deal on a rear wheel.

See, if you'd a come to LBL this wouldn't have happened! ;)


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Nothin' that a little JB Weld and a Dremmel tool couldn't fix!


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
That sucks Eddie! Sounds like you atleast had fun so that's a plus. Heal up and i hope the shoulder isnt as bad as you think.


Aug 14, 2002
Eddie you do know Honda announced the the CRF450X for 2005 RIGHT ??????

Maybe its time for a change ???????????????

CR Swade

Jan 18, 2001
That is a bad deal Eddie. I'm not being a smart-a$$ here, I've heard of numerous hub failures w/ the KTM's. One was a riding aquaintance who is pretty thourough w/ maintenance and his bike of roughly 3 weeks new (03) did the same thing as did his son's used 200 (I think it was an 02). Now my 525, my 400/450 (it used the WERhard anodized spacers), KC Husky's 525 and his son's 200 were rock solid w/ exception to wheel bearing wear. I'm wondering about manufacturing inconsistencies w/ the hubs/spacers as bearings seem to be short lived w/ these bikes regardless of maintenance. The stock spacers are complete junk though.

I'll check w/ csmith99 to see if he has any wheel/hub assy's floating around.


Jun 8, 1999
It was UUUUGGGLYYY! I aint Neva seen a hub come apart like that.

I had a good time anyway. I am still coughing up dustballs. It was very dusty, very rocky, pretty technical but just when I felt like puking we would come to some really cool flowing "dirt" trails and that would make it worthwhile. Eddie took us up one hill that was all bowling ball rocks with 3 or 4 2 foot ledges thrown in for fun. Eddie made it, I made it and Paddy Wussed out.

You ever see those hillclimb videos where the bike does a back flip with no rider? .. That was Eddie on that hill. He lost momentum half way up and tried to ghost the bike up the hill when it did a backflip and decided to pound him into the dirt. It was pretty cool looking from the bottom of the hill.

I had fun anyway Eddie. Good food Good Friends and good riding .. It dont get no better than that. :cool:


Aug 14, 2002
Where was that HILL ???? Ive been all over St Joe and dont remeber that ....

I guess im gona have to go with Eddie sometime.


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Mikeb said:
Eddie took us up one hill that was all bowling ball rocks with 3 or 4 2 foot ledges thrown in for fun. Eddie made it, I made it and Paddy Wussed out.

I remember that hill from last time I rode there. That's a good one for trials bikes!! let me down man! :uh:


Jun 8, 1999
Jay ... All I remeber is that it was at the back corner of a lake .. May have been Lake Apollo ... and it reminded me of some of the hills at Chadwick. Really NASTY. There were several pretty fun dirt hills on the back of the Lake Appollo towards the south. Go to the dam and follow the south edge of the lake until you get to the creek that feeds the lake and take a right down those trails and hills on both sides of that gully were pretty fun. Maybe we will all have to go back one day. I'm game


Feb 19, 2002
Ed, I feel your pain. I left for LBL with rotator cuff issues. Rode for maybe 2-3 hours sunday after moping around the campsite all weekend, the butt end of it all. Missed out on Corey and his dad's grand tour of the place saturday. Went in today and its rotator cuff tendinitis. Basically, just irritated it but nothing too major. I'm sure you'll see your doc but mine said the big test was if you could raise your arms from down at your side to straight out like a bird with your thumbs down, elbow straight. If you can, might not be torn. Hope it's nothing major.
PS The hub looks like it fell victim to that fine silica you have to ride through at St. Joe to get to the good stuff.


Aug 14, 2002
OK i called my wife I remeber the hill now. We got lost one day and ended up on top of it and had to go down it and I had to ride my wifes bike down part of it because she was scared.


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
Thanks for the well wishes guys, I am out of town for work (again) and can't get on here much these days.

Corey, I think this hill (with several different cool lines up it) is different than the one you are thinking of, I don't think I've ever seen it before this weekend.

Bob, sorry to hear about your shoulder issues, it's no fun. Right now I still can't even think about raising my arm straight out, my elbow only wants to go about 2" past my waist going straight out to the front. Still can't come close to putting my hand on top of my head :( The Dr. will be high on the priority list when I get back home.

Wade, I don't know what the root cause was (the chain was NOT too tight) but the bearing decided to fall apart and creep inside the hub. The bearings were less than 6 months old and had no play the last time I checked (usually every ride). EE hardened wheel spacers were installed also.


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
MrLuckey said:
Corey, I think this hill (with several different cool lines up it) is different than the one you are thinking of, I don't think I've ever seen it before this weekend.

The hill I'm remembering was solid rocks, about 16"-24" in diameter. I think you, myself, and dad were the only ones that made it up. It really would be a good hill for a trials bike. I was thinking there was a pond or lake just to the left of that hill????


Oct 7, 2002
Corey that hill was nasty - I don't remember ever going up it before. Every line I saw had stepping up ledge rocks with big loose floaters on top. When MIkeB had to stop and restart I actually saw rubber chunks coming off his rear tire. Those nice soft tires we run would not last more than 2 rides at ST Joe. I think I have a few good hill climbs under my belt so I can pass this one up and still keep my current position in the rankings.

Maybe you can find us some new hills for the next LBL ride and you can challenge me for my spot. Until then I have 1 hill at our local riding spot that only a handfull of peeps have climbed (myslef included) and I welcome anyone who dares "Hill from Hell". Plus you get to learn the secret handshake after you make it to the top!

Eddie still knows how to treat his guests, after a casuality on the trail he still cooks up great dinner. Meat main course with a meat appetizer followed with beer! Any questions? See Luckey!

For the record when he flipped out on the 2-stroke it looked way narrly from the top as he disappeared underneath the rev and dust tumbeling down the hill. Did not hurt the bike just one of my favorite riding buds. He could still smoke a camel with his bad arm!!!!!



Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
paddy said:
I think I have a few good hill climbs under my belt so I can pass this one up and still keep my current position in the rankings.

Maybe you can find us some new hills for the next LBL ride and you can challenge me for my spot.

HA! Why would I want to challenge the guy at the bottom of the pole! :moon:

We did actually find a new hill. Probably the most challenging I've seen at TB. But we can't ever remember how to get there. We've stumbled on it twice. I've climbed it twice, and dad once. Darby is still yet to climb it. (yeah, it's that tough) My uncle won't even think about it.

Soft terrain sissies! :laugh:


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
Oh Eddie!!! :( I'm sorry about your arm, it sounds just like rotator injury so plan on that pain and limited arm movement for about 8 weeks. Do your PT!!!

How the heck did you do all that cooking with a bad arm? :worship:


Oct 7, 2002
CAL said:
HA! Why would I want to challenge the guy at the bottom of the pole! :moon: :

I may be at the bottom of the pole but I am still ahead of you!!!!!!!!!!!! :nener:

All this form the guy that said it was too muddy and rutty the one time he graced North Mississippi with is riding presence. :p


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