need advice on helping out ageing suspension..


Sep 13, 2001
I own a 93 Yam WR250. love the bike. I like the way it feels, fits and power delivery. I need better suspension, though. I had the forks and shock serviced/revalved to make them more plush, but then they bottomed harrrdddd on medium to large jumps. Lakeshore said they could only do so much with the dated technology.. I added a bit more oil in the forks and it helped the bottoming, but i lost some plushness. I am 6ft 185lb and the WR fits me good. The suspension works ok in woods but hammers me to death at a motox track or on bumpy straights (not to mention the hard bottoming on the face of jumps and landing).

Will a rebuild using aftermarket parts keep the plushness and remove the hard bottoming? Will aftermarket parts help my 93 WR 250 suspension to act like newer technology or am I just wishing for something that can't be done??????? I want low speed plushness that won't bottom hard on jumps (when i fall short or over shoot) and won't beat me to death on rough surfaces.

ps. I don't race, but ride hard and am 40yrs old.

any words of wisdom???????


Third World Racing Team member (don't throw that away, we could make something out of it!!!)

Jeremy Wilkey

Owner, MX-Tech
Jan 28, 2000

There are many people who liked the chassis and motor of the 93-95 yz's more than the current chassis when it came out in 96.. Anyway the situation the way it see is this, the addtion of new technology that has been devloped since your biek was new, midvalves, heavy bumpers etc could infact give you a fairly massive improvemnet. The propblem is this, these iems have a signifacnt cost, and you must asses wether this cost which is now a substaintal portion of the bikes total value... I would think about if you want to keep the bike, and also is it in good shape in other aspects.. But what you want can be acchieved with little effort from a good suspension company.

Best Regards,


Sep 13, 2001
My bike is in good shape, I work on it myself and fix/improve things as they need it.
I would rather spend $800-1000 or more on suspension work, than thousands on a new/used bike just to get better suspension. This way, I could save my $ and buy a new 2-stroke before they are gone (2006).

any suggestions on what you would do to help out my suspension? any ballpark estimates???
I am seriously looking at sending them somewhere and you have a good rep..

I want to ride a motox track w/out getting hammered.......and be able to ride my trails w/out having to stand all the time because of a stiff ride.'m getting old
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