['99 kdx220] Two different questions! 1. After inserting the main valve assembly and tightening the 2 holding bolts with washers, the main valve assembly [the whole assembly - not just the center arm] moves side to side & up & down approx. 0.010". In other words should it "slop" around in there after those bolts are tightened? Q2. If I line up the sub port valves as per the repair manual - engraved line on the shaft being located between the two shortened teeth on the valve - those valves close to where their flat face is exactly perpendicular [right angle] to the exhaust port, BUT when turned to the fully "open" position they are blocking about 1/3 to 1/2 of the sub port. If I change their "timing" by offsetting the scribed line by 1 tooth on the valves, then they fully open but remain just a "tiny bit" [0.025"] open when closed. Suggestions ?