Need help with clutch on KX100


Nov 29, 2001
My son is racing his KX100 in hare scrambles which is a dead engine start.He is having problems starting his bike with it in gear. We are warming the bike up a plenty but the clutch doesn't want to fully release the bike to let it roll free with it in gear. The clutch seems to work properly once the engine is fired. The bike starts to pull well out on the stroke of the lever. I have tried different adjustments on the clutch lever even out to where the clutch starts to slip with no positive results. I am using Valvolene synthetic blend 5-30 oil, Could this be a problem or is it something else. I have removed the clutch cover and inspected the clutch and all seems well. The bike is a 2001 KX100 that has seen little use until this season. What am I over looking?


The one thing I have always done is to kill it with the bike in gear and the clutch in. Then-and this is the important part-don't let the clutch out again until you kick it, it fires, and you are ready to take off. It is my understanding that this keeps a certain amount of fluid between the clutch plates. Releasing the lever squeezes this fluid out, causeing more drag on the clutch, which tends to want to make the bike move forward when in gear and kicking it over. There will still be a slight amount of pull from the motor, but a decently strong kick should over come it, and he will be motoring off almost immediately after it fires. Practice this as many times as you can with him. Also have him start it (but don't take off!) when the lines in front of him start and take off. He doesn't have to do it with every line of riders, but just enough to keep the engine warm, and to keep him in practice. Good luck!


Feb 16, 2003

I agree with BigLou, he might be on to something. My KX100 won't start in gear either, so I'm going to have to try his trick to doing this. Hope it works!!



Mar 22, 2000
Same here. We tried everything. It will when the bike is good and hot but not while cold. We resorted to box to stand on at the left side of the bike, more leverage on the kick. Otherwise it's faster to get a sure 1-kick start in neutral and make a quick shift up to second with his foot in front of the shift lever.


Jun 12, 2000
Try different oils too.

We race harescrambles and Gncc's against alot of KX/RM 100s and never really hear anyone complain.

We found that ATF Type F and Maxima 75wt LTL works very well for in gear starts. Better than anything else we tried. Get it warm by riding around some or slip the clutch a bit to warm the oil then as mentioned keep the lever in until it is time to kick and go.


Mar 22, 2002
MikeS and BigLou are right on the money. My yz250 starts far better in gear if I shut it down in gear and hold the clutch in until I start. I am still searching for the best oil, but I have heard that a lighter sliperier (that's not a real word) oil should reduce the clutch draging.

My buddy runs a little ATF in his kx250 with his oil and claims it cures the problem, but I don't recomment that.


Aug 25, 2000
Originally posted by dcwilson
My buddy runs a little ATF in his kx250 with his oil and claims it cures the problem, but I don't recomment that.

Why not?
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