Need opinion on DRZ 400


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.
Ok here goes,
Was at Chapparall the other day and saw that they had there DRZ`s on sale for $4299.00, so its about 5000.00 out the door.
A YZ-426 is about 6400.00 OTD.
So keeping in mind the differeance in price, would the DRZ make a good Offroad race bike? I live in good ol Socal so I would need a pipe that has a sparkarrester any way, so the cost of a pipe would apply to both, as well as suspension work as I weigh 265# and ride pretty fast.
So with the Differance in price can it be made competitive.
Does anybody have the Yosh. engine mods?
The main reason for this change is that I feel I need a bigger RACE bike than my 250F at some of the more wide open events.
I still love my 250F, its probably the most FUN bike I have ever owned.
Plus Suzuki pays a lot more contenginze money than Yam. $400.00 for a race win, compared to $100.00 to$200.00 for Yam. depending on the series. So this season alone I would have got about $1500.00 from Suzuki.
If the bike will place as good as my 250f has.

thanks mxbundy


Mar 19, 2001
I owned a DRZ400. It has a great motor, but if you want a RACE bike it
will take considerable investment in suspsension and motor work to make
it competetive and it will still be quite a heavy weight. That is just my
opinion. But the DRZs won the top three places in WORCs didnt they?
But those are big dollar factory bikes.


Dec 6, 2000
I have a DRZ400 and a YZ250F. In race mode, the YZ will smoke the DRZ. The DRZ makes a great trail bike and is a lot more fun for extended rides or just playing around. It makes poor choice for racing because it's heavy, soft, and under-power compared to a YZ426F. If the YZ250F isn't enough for you, then the DRZ is going THE WRONG DIRECTION!

2001 YZ250F
2000 DRZ400Y


Dec 16, 2001
Dude- Go for the 426. You can't even compare the DRZ to the YZ. Somebody might actually be offended by this!! :scream:


Sponsoring Member
Feb 16, 2001
Hemet, CA.
Yeah I know, I really do bleed blue.
But i have lusted after a KTM 400SX for sometime, only problem is they dont have a contingency program that i know of.
I just cant stress what it means to get checks in the mail from Yam. Its like having a parts sponsership. I might just wait, I know that Yam. will have a lighter 450F next year.
But its always fun to scheme things like this.



Dec 31, 2001
your choice

ive had alot of bikes in my day, if you were looking into a KTM 400, i can assure you that you will be really glad you did. ktm has made some very updates on there bikes and have really stepped up to plate with great motorcyles. thay have come a long way. be brave, go european and see that jap bikes aren't the only game in town. you will never go back!


Jun 2, 2001
I have a 2001 DRZ kicker and love it.You sound like you can handle yourself pretty well on a bike and it is afterall more the rider than the bike.Even so the 426 would be better for your size and weight.The 426 motor has a harder hit up top I have a bud I ride with and we have swapped bikes(he has a WR).The suspension is much firmer on the Yamaha as well but i'm 165lbs so my stock DRZ setup has yet to let me down.Power delivery will leave the DRZ (rejetted with airbox and exhuast mods) around 4 or 5 hp behind the the mighty 426.My DRZ has a full Yosh system,aftermarket airbox and rejetted and my bud pulls his rear wheel to the front of my bike in flat open drag situations so it is by no means lopsided.The Yamaha is the better bike but light years ahead of the DRZ as some may suggest not hardly.Then again my bud rides a 96 DR350 and will whip my DRZ400 the WR426 and a KTM520 it's all about the pilot.


Sep 2, 2001
I have a DRZ400, and really enjoy it. However, I also have a KTM520. The DRZ is very fast and great for trail riding and aggressive enduro. Love riding it with my family and (non-insane) buddies. But if you're truly going to race and don't want to spend a bundle on the weight and suspension of the DRZ, the 426 is the better of your two choices. You'll have mega frustration with the starting, though (regardless of routine and hot-start kits). If you really want to WIN, spend the extra $1000 and get a KTM! :D You will never regret buying one of the EXCs (400 or 520). Nonetheless, the DRZ is still a great bike.

Best of luck on whichever one you get.

PS: The "extra maintenance" stuff on the KTMs is hogwash; I put more time and money into my XR than I have into my KTM.
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