
Jun 19, 2002
Is there in a way to look inside the transmission without splitting the cases. What about looking into the bottom end and checking out the crank? I would have to take the cylinder off right? I had a really bad screeching noise and it jumped out of gear on me the other day so I am afraid of what could be in there.



Aug 7, 1999
you could take the head & barrel off and use a torch to look into the crankcase, but the view is pretty limited.

you would need to split the cases to look into the tranny itself, but I would be checking behind the RHS cover in the vicinity of the clutch first, as from your description it sounds to me that would be a more likely spot to be the source of your noise. there are lots of things that could cause it to jump out of gear, but one that springs to mind (pardon the pun) is the transmission shaft return spring. Some times they snap, causing shifting problems, and you could have a piece of it floating around under the clutch cover and getting mangled up in all those cogs...



Jun 19, 2002
I pulled the clutch cover and took the clutch apart down to the springs. I didn't find any thing that looked out of place. I looked at the clutch plates and the fingers on the clutch basket to see if a part of them had broken off but they were fine. I think maybe it was just a freak thing, maybe I missed the shift and it just was kind of stuck between two gears or something. It has been about 2 weeks now since it made that noise and it hasn't done it since when I have been out riding it. I changed the oil immediatley after it happend and didn't find any metal shavings so I think I am just gonna hope that it doesn't leave me stranded.


Jun 19, 2002
Anyone have an opinion on this? Has anything similar happened to your KDX?

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