I'm a little pissed off at a local shop after picking up some jets & a needle I just ordered for my KDX 250. I ordered a 158 and 152 main jet which they got right but they screwed up the rest from what I can tell. I told them the parts were for a Keihn PWK 38. I asked for a 38 and 40 pilot jet, they got me two different 40 Mikuni pilots. I asked for a 1367 needle and they got me one that says "0163" on it. The packaging doesn't have any brand and I don't even know if it's for a PWK carb. Can anyone tell me what type of needle this is? Also, is it possible that the Mikuni jets also fit Keihin carbs? I should have just ordered this stuff online, at least I'd be able to verify what I was ordering...so much for supporting local shops.