Neighbors say new KX100 is too loud.


Nov 29, 2001
My son just got a used 2001 model with about 25 hours on it and the neighbors are already complaning about how much louder it is over his ttr125. I repacked the silencer but this didnt help. I here FMF has a new "Q" silencer, does it really work? $125 is a lot of money to spend on something that doesnt. Is there anything else I can do to it to Quieten it down?


May 22, 2002
Glad to hear that your are trying to cooperate with neighbors. I agree, most two stokes are loud. I think sometimes the noise issue is overreacted by some when compared to street bikes and cars, but none the less, these are the same folks that are shutting down our riding places.

Sorry, I don't have an answer to your question. Just wanted to commend you on your efforts.


Feb 29, 2000
We've used both a DEP silencer and Doma silencer on our RM's. When freshly packed, they are quiter than the stock one. Plus the tone is "less harsh" to the ears.

Might want to look into either of these two for the KX.


Mar 13, 2000
An old dirt bike trick is to cut a section from an old inertube and fasten it around the end of the spark arrestor or silencer. It hangs down from there and does a good job of taking the bite out of the sound. The longer the section, the more sound reduction, I would say an eight inch section is minumum. It does effect performance somewhat but certainy is low budget and effective. I had to do this myself one time to satisfy the noise level restriction at a dual sport ride.

Good luck


Mod Ban
May 6, 2002
Originally posted by rougewarrior
2-strokes are loud, that what makes them so much fun to ride!!!!
First off, let me say that you are a complete idiot.
Next off, loud bikes are getting our riding areas shut down. Like it or now, the 96db rule is coming in january and don't think it will stop there. I simply cannot stand it when the incredibly cool kids such as you ride with loud bikes and get MY riding areas shut down. THANKS A TON PAL. Now you can ride your LOUD but oh so much fun bike in your front lawn because the riding area was shut down. Is .5 hp really THAT important to you? Is it worth getting a riding area closed?


May 16, 2002
i agree with rockey5000, why do u want your bike to be loud? all it does is gets more attention from tree huggers and green peace and gives them a stronger argument. way to go.


Mi. Trail Riders
Nov 14, 2002
I agree with rocky too. I also have a kx100 and it is pretty loud. Will sound out my dads kdx200 any day. But i would say any silencer would quiet it down a bike. I''ve heard that teh Power Core is pretty quiet. SO the "Q" is prolly really quite. But you could prolly spend $99 if you can to save yourself $30. If you don't ride woods i wouldn't get a Spark Arrestor because 1) you don't need it and 2) It will take away some of your power. I say you go with the Power Core II silencer.


Jan 23, 2000

Just curious do you have a track in the backyard or something? Just wondering how the neighbors are hearing the bike.


Feb 23, 2002
oh, to answer your question, the FMF Q is supposed to quiet the tone down, and there is also a plus: it is sparksnuffed. :) unless you are riding nothing but motocross track, i would suggest this. since your son has just gotten of of a TT-R125, he might not be riding *only* motocross. ('course i could be wrong) as the TT-Rs are beginner bikes. (even though i race mine with the 80's :silly: )


A General PITA.
Apr 21, 2002
Originally posted by Humdinger
My son just got a used 2001 model with about 25 hours on it and the neighbors are already complaning about how much louder it is over his ttr125. I repacked the silencer but this didnt help. I here FMF has a new "Q" silencer, does it really work? $125 is a lot of money to spend on something that doesnt. Is there anything else I can do to it to Quieten it down?

If you wrap the packing too tight it will act as an echo chamber and defeat the purpose of the silencer. Depending on the type of packing( I usd R-13 the last time I did mine- worked fine course that stuff being so thick I only had to go round once), just remember to wrap just enough to reach the top of the flanges and loose enough to so that there is barley any tention to the material. If you understand this think of it as being a fragile as wet tissue paper while wrapping.

Good Luck,

Solid State

Mar 9, 2001
Hey Rocky,

Little extreme with that "complete idiot" stuff. I'm well aware of the noise issues, but maybe the guy was just trying to add a little harmless humor to the problem. Unless, of course, he IS a complete idiot.


Sponsoring Member
Apr 30, 2002
Humdinger, sounds like you may have more of a neighbor problem than a silencer problem. It always seems like once something like that becomes an issue, then various degrees of a solution are not recognized. It's always, 'that damn green bike is too loud - what was the matter with the quiet blue one they had'. Quite possibly they won't distinguish between FMF or PC's best products, and the stock silencer.


Dec 4, 2000
Humdinger, Like it was posted before, you are on the right track. It's obvious whatever you have now is not enough and will require some updates or at least check the silencer packing as described. Also, what kind of area are you riding in? Does the sound echo off builidings and fences? You have to remember that no matter what you do you can't please everyone, but at least do your best and do something to help resolve the problem. Who knows, maybe your neighbors don't like the sound of a lawn mower either but find the dirt bike easier to complain about. I've heard some pretty loug mowers out there too.


Feb 9, 2000
One good thing about a noisy KX100, when riding trail, you don't have to look back and see if CJRider is still there with you - only have to worry when that buzzing stops :p ahemm CJ, you may want to look into a quiter pipe :eek: ;)

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
BunduBasher, akk yes yes. My new FMF pipe has actually been on back order as is due any day now (I hope tomorrow). As soon as I get it installed, I'll post here and let ya know if it's quieter or not... Bundu, yer just gonna hafta look back every once in a while to make sure I'm still there. Of course if we're just racing around corners, yer gonna have to catch ME! :confused: ;)
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CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
I stopped by the shop yesterday. My pipe's not in yet. 'Had them call to see what was up and they said it's on "overdue" status, which I guess means lots of people have ordered these for Christmas. So... still waiting.

I had also ordered the "Fatty" head pipe along with the FMF-TCII. The "Fatty" came in on time so I installed it right away. NICE increase in overall power came from that! 'Just thought I'd mention that too.


Jan 5, 2002
I think Solid is right. You guys WAY over reacted to that kids post. How about you guys lay off the caffeine, get some rest, and a GRIP and think before BLOWING up!


Mod Ban
Aug 30, 2002
a few thoughts

1) that was a bit of an over reaction, rocky.

2) having been a mountain bike rider years before i rode dirt bikes, and usually sharing the same trails, i prefered (still do) loud bikes. i could hear them coming and get out of the way. my horse riding GF feels the same way.

3) around here (western wa) its "trail degradation" (never mind that we built and maintain these "degraded trails") and siltation of streams that gets people fired up about dirt bikes.

4) some nieghbors cannot be pleased. do something to attenuate the bike's noise, and if its not good enuf for mister nieghbor, he can blow it out his ear.

5) maybe purpose a compromise with your neighbor like sun, mon, wed are "quiet" days. no riding. something like that

just some thought



Apr 16, 2002
neighbors will complain about an electric dirtbike if they saw you on it but all you can do is reason and try to calm them down. i would try the inner tube trick. a 2 stroke makes most of its noise from the head pipe(expansion chamber) so ive heard getting a big inner tube like ones from large truck tires and cutting them to fit quiets bikes down alot.but another thing, where are you riding? do you have a track or something?

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
... My new FMF pipe has actually been on back order as is due any day now (I hope tomorrow). As soon as I get it installed, I'll post here and let ya know if it's quieter or not....
Well I wouldn't have brought this silly thread back, except that I did promise to report on the "sound" after I got the new pipe installed. Here's the report: It's still loud and ya still know it's a 2-stroke, but it now has a little lower pitch than that "tinny" stock sound. Although since it's still loud, I don't think it'd help with your neighbors.
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