
Mar 13, 2004
I just bought a new 2005 CR125 today. This is the first good bike I have owned brand new and I have a few questions. If the dealer gets it in a crate in pieces, why wouldnt they apply liberal amounts of grease to everything while putting it together? or does the linkage, wheels and head bearings come already installed/greased? Which parts would you guys recommend taking apart and greasing before I even ride..linkage..stem..axles? Also another question, I want to do things right from the start, what bolts should I apply thread locking compound to? Is the red loc tite ok and what all fasteners/bolts should get them? thanks for your time..

VB Racing

Jan 26, 2004
First off , congrats on your new bike!!! :aj:
The bike comes crated , but is almost fully assembled. I would remove and grease all linkage pivots, steering head bearings, and swingarm bearings. If you are real ambitous you could grease the wheel bearings too. lube up both axle shafts. I personally do not use any loctite on any bolts when I assemble my bike. I believe that the proper torque and proper maintenance are better than loctite. I have never lost anything while riding, so this works for me.
Make sure to torque EVERYTHING!! over tightening will cause as many problems as leaving things loose. Good Luck and enjoy the new bike!!


Mar 13, 2004
I had the CR out for the first ride yesterday..felt amazing to finally ride again..however it fouled 3 plugs within 500 ft.. I ordered a #50 pilot (stock 55) and a 420 main (stock 430). Where should I start to lean it out? Will leaning the air screw out .5 of a turn or so help a bit for now so I can actually ride when Im waiting for the jets?
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